Chapter 8

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        Waiting for Superman by Daughtry  to the side for those of you who like music to go along with their chapters. I've been running out of song ideas to go along with chapters so I'm definitely willing to accept requests. Post them in the comments!

        If I were to write a Grey's Anatomy Calzona fanfic would you guys be willing to read it? Comments and Requests and Reviews are always welcome!

        Shawn was coming towards her. They were both still in their own clothes and he was still wearing that green Apple Jacks shirt, yet he still looked regal and princely. Somehow it was obvious that he was doing everything he could to restrain himself from running to her at full tilt. Once he was directly in front of her and the spotlight fell on them (not literally this time!) , he got down on one knee in front of her as though he were going to propose to her again (long story).

        "If I profane thee with my unworthiest hand this holy shrine, the gentle fine is this: My lips two blushing pilgrims, ready stood to smooth that rough touch with a gentle kiss." Shawn spoke his lines with a sexy confidence, like he meant them. He was completely in the moment as though he wanted nothing more than to kiss her then and there.

Juliet blanched slightly, caught up in the romance of it all and nearly forgot her line. She steadied herself and called upon her own experience of toying with Shawn's feelings for her before giving her line.

        "Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much which mannerly devotions shows in this; for saints have hands that pilgrims do touch, and palm to Palm is holy palmer's kiss." Juliet held back her smile, not many people appreciated Shakespeare's puns like she did.

        Lost in her thought's for a moment Juliet looked into Shawn/Romeo's expectant eyes and realized he was waiting on her hand.

        "Then move not while my prayer's effect I take. This from my lips by thine my sin is purged." Shawn/Romeo stood and bowed to her as her breath hitched in her chest as he cupped her face and leaned in to kiss her. It was a chaste kiss with no funny business but it still made Juliet's cheeks light up like a Christmas tree. Shawn/Romeo's eyes danced in the stage lights, mystifying her and sweeping her away even farther into the character of Juliet Capulet.

"Then have my lips the sin that they have took." she smiled ever so softly, never letting Shawn/Romeo know how much he affected her.

"Sin from my lips? O trespass sweetly urged! Give me my sin again!" This kiss was a bit more intense yet, still chaste.

"You kiss by th' book." she told him with a wry grin, inexplicably feeling the urge to laugh. Shawn shared the grin and responded. In a daze they went through the rest of the play but stopped short at Act IV to prepare for the opening.

Shawn and Juliet were rushed to hair and makeup so quickly that they had no chance to speak to one another. While they both sat in their chairs for hours, Juliet a bit more patiently than Shawn, Buzz came up to them. His size,uniform, and gun scaring off anyone who might protest. His eyes were red-rimmed as though he had been crying.

"Guys, I'll admit it. I'm a huge romantic. You were both great! And I've always loved the idea of the two of you as a couple anyways." he stopped talking for a moment to wipe his eyes on his sleeve. Doing her best to stay perfectly still Juliet thanked him.

"Has anyone come in or out of the theater?" She asked.

"No, ma'am" he answered.

"Alright then. You're free to go." she said, more out of habit than anything.

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