Chapter 4

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Therapy by All Time Low to the side for those of you who like music to go along with your chapters!

First Shawn took Juliet on a tour of Santa Barbara, showing her all of the scenic routes and must-see sights. After that Shawn dropped by Psych and grabbed the backpacks that Gus had prepared at Shawn’s request. He stuffed one under the seat and the other one over Juliet’s shoulders.

“I didn’t know Santa Barbara could look like that.” She told him when they got oof the bike at the theater.

“It’s not all murderers, adulterers, and fake psychics.” He told her with a smile as he traded the helmets for the backpacks.

“Your heart was in the right place. I wouldn’t have wanted you to get arrested. I know that now.” She told him as she swung off the bike before kissing him right on the lips.

“Good.” He said taking her hand as they walked into the theater to change into street clothes. Since she was in charge of Shawn’s safety as well as Mayson’s  and Mayson hadn’t arrived yet, Shawn followed Juliet into the ladies bathroom. He passed her her set of clothes from the first bag and sat up on the sink to wait for her, catching the pieces of her pantsuit as she tossed them over to him and put them away.

“Let my hair down for me?” she asked, as she came out of the stall.

“Sure.” He answered and started pulling out the pins and stuck them in a pocket of the backpack.

“Oh!” he cried softly with a small gasp as Juliet began to brush out her hair.

“Shawn? Are you blushing?” she asked with an amused smile.

“Me? Never! Don’t be Austrailia, Jules. I got this made for you a while back. Just in case you ever gave me the chance to go out with you. Do you have a hair tie by any chance?” he asked.

“Yeah.” She answered with a confused look as she slipped the elastic band off of her wrist and passed it to him. Without another word and a very focused expression Shawn began to manipulate the pieces of her hair the way he wanted them. He pulled back the sections behind her ears that were most likely to get in her eyes and pinned them with the clip that he used the band to hold back.

“Gus taught me how to do this using YouTube and his sister’s old Barbie dolls.” He put the clip in Juliet’s hand. It was a sturdy metal thing that was much heavier than it looked yet light enough to go in her hair easily.

“Pull on the pineapple.” He suggested, putting his hands on her shoulders and peering over. When Juliet gave it a tug a small knife came loose, about the length of the business end of a butter knife. It was small but definitely large enough to do some damage.

“I thought it might be useful for cases like this one. You know for when we don’t get to work together. Here let me put it in for you.” He slid the knife back into place and clipped the barrette in her hair.

“That’s incredibly thoughtful of you, Shawn. Thank you so much.” She placed a quick kiss on his cheek and followed him out of the bathroom not knowing what else to say.

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