Chapter 10

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Juliet woke up completely unsure of where she was or what the time might be. Seeing Shawn's arm around her, her heart stopped beating quite as fast. Another small problem was that she distinctly remembered going to bed alone.

"Are they awake?" someone asked.

"No, not yet." responded another female voice.

"This'll look good with the rest of their pictures." added yet another voice, soon accompanied by the clicking noise of a camera phone.

"Huh?" she asked, opening her bleary eyes, she remembered she was in the hospital.

"Who let you guys come in? When did Shawn end up in my bed?" she asked, grabbing a pain pill from the tray and downing it with a plastic cup of water.

Gus, Vick, and Carlton were gathered at the end of her bed and Gus was trying to covertly shove his phone in his pocket.

"And Gus, what do you mean 'the rest of the pictures' ? Good morning, Chief, Carlton. Who let you guys in? Why is Shawn in my bed?" she asked.

Gus looked extremely sheepish as Juliet turned onto her back and nestled into Shawn’s arm, no longer caring who saw them together.

“We,” Gus gestured to himself, Lassiter, and Karen. “May or may not have been chronicling your romance.” He said looking rather abashed.

“How…and why?” she asked noticing that both her partner and the Chief were blushing,

“You’re kind of like our pet couple I guess, down at the station.” Gus supplied when no one else spoke up.

“Can I see?” she asked in a soft voice, gesturing to the phone.

“Don’t worry about him,” said Gus handing the device to her. “He can sleep through anything.”

Juliet flipped through the pictures and realized that yes; they were kind of adorable together. Sow were of things that she wouldn’t have been able to see otherwise, like the one of her and Shawn’s movie night-in where he was looking at her instead of at The Lion King.  Picking a few of them she liked, she texted them to herself and grinned at her sleeping boyfriend.

“No more of this, okay? It’s creepy.”

The odd trio nodded, but if Juliet had been able to see through them she would have seen that all three of them had their fingers crossed behind their backs and had no intention of keeping that promise.

“I’m going to go back to sleep and pretend none of this ever happened, alright?” she announced, and pressed in tighter to Shawn, enjoying his comfortable presence, even in the tiny hospital bed. Ever since arriving at the hospital, everything had been so hectic that Juliet was exhausted and aching, even after a full night of sleep. Finding Shawn’s hand she laced their fingers together and fell back asleep for a few more hours of precious sleep and didn’t wake up until Shawn did, climbing out of her bed and limping back to his own.

“Need any help, honey?” she asked without looking up.

“Nope, Gus has me, but thanks anyway.” He answered.

“Mr. Spencer! You can’t be up on that leg!” shouted the poor day nurse assigned to their room.

“Can’t and shouldn’t are two different things, dear lady.” He said grumpily.

“You are scheduled in O.R. 2 in one hour.” She informed him her eyes narrowing to slits.

“Rude.” Muttered Shawn as she left.

“Do you hurt anywhere?” asked Chief Vick, noticing that Shawn had disconnected from his various monitors and drips sometime during the night.

“Everywhere, but that hardly matters. I hate pain meds. They screw with my psychicness and make everything fuzzy.” He said with a wince as he lowered himself onto the bed.

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