Chapter 1

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"This guy is a nutjob

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"This guy is a nutjob." Dean mumbled as he ran a hand down his face "We are never going to catch him."

You frowned as you walked towards him. You placed a hand on his shoulder and handed him a cold beer. He gave you a small smile, appreciating the fact that you still were there for him- them. Them. Not because Dean needed you so bad in his life, no. It was just because you cared so much about him and his brother and managed to fill all the holes in their life. Plus you were an amazing hunter even if your gentle, kind and almost innocent features didn't give that away.

"No more so than us, though." you said with a small smile and he and Sam chuckled.

"You mean no more so than you." Sam pointed out and you gave him a look.

"Traitor." you mumbled and Dean chuckled.

And you had an amazing friendship with his brother- hell you were like the little sister Sam always wanted to him. What more could he ask for?

"Because you couldn't totally be his Harley Quinn huh?" Sam asked with a smirk and you shrugged.

"I'd like to say I am sae enough to not get carried away so easily." you sat next to Sam where there was the only free chair and checked on your computer.

"They say love changes people though." Sam mumbled with a small smirk that you didn't catch but Dean did and as that he kicked his brother under the table.

"Maybe." you bit your lip, your eyes focusing on Dean who fortunately was focused on his brother, and averted them quickly the moment he looked at you.

You shrugged, looking at Sam now "But I am still completely myself, so-"

"Why?" Sam gave you that knowing smirk "Are you in love with someone?" he chuckled and your eyes widened for a moment.

"Shut up Sam." you grumbled, hitting him hard on the shoulder and trying your best to focus on the computer and not the man that you were just thinking about. The man whose eyes you could feel boring into you and sure when you sneak a shy glance at him from your computer he blinked and shifted in his place, licking his lips and supposedly being interested in his computer.

"So-" you cleared your throat as Sam was still grinning to himself "-Do we still not have a plan on how we're going to catch this guy?" you asked and the brothers sighed.

"He is human, in a way, yet we have no idea how we're going to get past his... guards for lack of words." Dean made a face as you were sure he took a look at them. The masks were creepy enough alone, not to mention when the men wore them.

"Yeah well humans can be worse than monsters sometimes." you mumbled and Dean nodded his head, taking a sip of his beer.

"We know where his hideout is, though. Maybe we could start with that." Sam mumbled skeptically.

"Yeah when we get past his puppets." you added and he sighed.

"Maybe there could be a way." you mumbled, chewing on your lip as you looked at the various photos of your guy.

Die for a Laugh - Dean Winchester x Reader x JokerWhere stories live. Discover now