Chapter 10

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"Hate you?" Sam blinked and you rubbed your eyes.

"Why that surprised?" you asked almost numbly "The moment he realizes what I've been really doing behind his back he-he will loathe me, despise me beyond belief."

"No, (Y/n), he's- Dean cares about you, more than you can understand. He will be mad, hell he will be furious, and I'm not going to sya he won't give you the cold shoulder like he did this time but-"

"But this time is going to be so much worse, Sammy. He's going to feel betrayed, like I let him down, like I gave up on him and that means he's not going to forgive me. Not this time." you wiped hastily a stray tear.

"(Y/n), no- he-" Sam shook his head "I wish we had more time to talk about this but Dean is in danger a-and-" he let a heavy sigh "You need to believe me when I say everything will work out in the end, everything always happens for a reason you always were the one to say that to me." he tried to give you a reassuring smile.

"You're right-" you sniffled, managing to gain all the courage you could "He's in danger and I will never forgive myself if something happens to him. It's better if he lives even if he'll hate me forever." you breathed out, not giving Sam the chance to respond before you rushed out of the car and towards the back of the club. After a deep intake Sam got ut of the car and followed, the both of you checking your surroundings.

"He's not- I don't see Dean or J in there. Isn't that- isn't that the couch he usually holds his business meeting at?" he pointed as he peaked through and open window and you did the same.

"If it's not then it's the office he has upstairs. Come, we need to get inside the bar first, there are stairs in the back for the second floor." you mumbled, rushing to the backdoor and using the key you had managed to sneak out from Frost's stuff.

Luckily there were plenty of people in the club, even at this time, and you managed to sneak your way past some of his henchmen scattered around and keeping an eye out for enemies. Your heart lept to your throat when you went around a corner and spotted two of his bodyguards in front of the door and you instantly hid yourself behind the wall again.

"Son of a bitch." you breathed out, closing your eyes "There are guards there."

"Great" Sam muttered, eyes casting down for a second "What are we gonna do now? We can't just go charging towards them, not with the guns they could have."

"We can't go against them even if we'd want to and that's what we didn't think about from the first place." you dragged a hand down your face.

"Meaning?" Sam frowned at your words.

"There will be ten times the number in there, Sammy. J doesn't go to business all alone, he's not stupid especially with hunters. How are we gonna just pull our gun on all of them? Those guys don't think, they don't fight hand to hand, they just shoot whatever moves against their boss."

"And what do you propose we do? Just wait until Dean's out of there, if he does come out? He's been doing all kinds of stupid things lately, how can we be sure he is not going to pull a gun amongst all those-" he stopped himself, taking in a shaky breath "They will do anything to protect their boss, we can't just wait for them to-"

"We're not going to." you breathed out, your eyes wide "You said it yourself, anything to protect their boss and anything for their boss. They follow orders... and that's how it will be this time as well." you took in a sharp inhale, putting back the safety on your gun and tucking it in the back of your jeans.

"(Y/n) what- what are you doing?"

"You'll see. Listen to their boss isn't what they do? Well, they are going to." you took a deep breath, straightening your back "You just wait here for now, and when I tell you, you'll come out, got it?" the moment you took a step away from him, his eyes widened in realization and fear, yu couldn't tell which first.

Die for a Laugh - Dean Winchester x Reader x JokerWhere stories live. Discover now