Chapter 8

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"Leave. I'm working." if it wasn't the harshness in his voice that made you feel like you had just been stabbed then it was certainly the fear that started creeping up your chest that in the end made you freeze in your spot.

Between a man that had such a control over your heart and soul and another that had a control over your mind and soul you didn't know what to think, much less do.

"Dean" you choked out his name, reaching out to place a hand over his arm but the way he flinched away made your heart shutter in a million pieces "Please" your throat felt tight but you had to do this.

"Told you I'm busy." the only time he finally looked at you in days was a harsh glare that made you want to recoil "Leave. Now." he hissed, looking outside of the window at the blue-eyed man approaching the bar and your heart started hammering in your chest.

"H-how did you find him?" you breathed out in a low hoarse voice that you doubted he heard in the first place.

"Surprised much?" he clenched his jaw, narrowing his eyes at you "I'm not gonna talk about it. If you don't want to go, at least make yourself fucking useful for once in your goddamn life." he grumbled the words before he could even realize it. But when the small gasp left your lips, realization downed on his and you saw regret flash through his eyes instantly. He had been trying to mask it, along with all the angst and hurt he felt, but he put the cold facade before he could take back what he'd said.

"Unlike you, I've been doing some actual work these days." he looked away, trying to act as if it wasn't affecting him to say the things he had too "He's not working with demons, or any kind of monster." he downed another glass, getting on his feet "He's working with hunters."


"Yes, hunters. Our own freaking kind, ain't that peachy?" he checked on his gun and for a moment you felt your heart leap to your throat in fear that he probably meant you.

"You mean like-"

"Like hunters, what more do you want? The ones giving him all the info and helping him make his next move. Wouldn't surprise me even if that chick he's got around is one too." he scoffed with such hatred you wished you would die at that moment to not hear him anymore.

"And how did you-"

"While you and Sammy were busy doing whatever shit behind my back I was actually working on the case. Followed him around at first, looking it all up and questioned people when he went MIA for a week. Which is just why ..." he let out a sharp exhale "I am here now."

"You... will offer him your help." it was a statement in a low and weak voice. Weak not just because of how affected you were by his previous words – in fact your heart had dropped to the pit of your stomach – but also because you realized that all this time you were by Joker's side had lead to nothing, no clues and no information. And all of that because you were more interested in the man himself than getting the job done, you had let your feelings get in the way and not just for Dean (the way you usually would) but the monster of the case himself.

"Bingo." he gave you a forced smile "So now leave before he-" he stopped himself, looking at the door as he entered and a heavy silence set in the entire bar.

You looked over your shoulder to see him look around in the all-too-suspicious way he usually did, Frost and the rest of his henchmen around him making him seem all the more intimidating. But somehow you didn't worry, not about yourself, but about Dean. You immediately turned your head so that Mr J was only facing your back and for a moment, that longmoment of silence when you could only hear his footstep as he walked inside the bar, you prayed that he wouldn't look your way.

Die for a Laugh - Dean Winchester x Reader x JokerWhere stories live. Discover now