Chapter 23

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I knocked on his front door and waited for him to open the door.

When the door opened he quickly stepped aside so I could walk in.

Even before I could hug him or say something, he said the things I didn't wanted to hear now at the moment.

"Why are you so late?"

Ok question number one I didn't wanted to hear.

"What were you two doing in his car?


"Did you kiss his cheek?"

Damn it.

I walked further in his apartment, trying to avoid those three questions I didn't want to answer. I just couldn't handle all those stress at the moment. They are both making it hard enough for me.

"Sarah why don't you answer me?" Niall asked.

When I didn't reply he grabbed my arm and turned me around so I faced him.

Anger was visible in his eyes and the way he held my arm wasn't really nice. He was hurting me by his strong grip.

"Stop" I tried to say but it was hard. "You're hurting me" I whispered and when Niall looked at his hand holding my arm, his eyes softened and he let go of my arm.

I looked at my sore arm, it was probably going to bruise. You already saw a soft mark from where his hands held my arm tight.

"I'm sorry but can you please answer my questions" he said and he crossed his arms. The soft look in his eyes was gone and was replaced for a worried look.

"We were late because we had to distract the paparazzi. So Harry took another way and we watched together how the sun went down" I replied and looked down at my feet which were very interesting at the moment. It was the truth, well I didn't mention the kiss but that was because I wanted to clear this mess all by myself.

I looked back at him and he nodded his head to let me continue.

"In the car we took a picture together for Instagram because we had to and yes I kissed his cheek" I said.

I waited for Niall to react but he was still staring at me.

"Why the hell would you do that?" he shouted at me.

I flinched a little. Why was he so angry? It was just on his cheek and it looked really cute I must admit.

"Why do you care? It's just on his cheek" I replied. I was getting a little angry at him for reacting this way. He knew I didn't mean any of it but he was still this nervous that he thought I didn't like him or something.

"Why I care? I do f*cking care" he shouted and threw his hands in the air.

I couldn't hold myself anymore. I always find a way to push it even further. We were in a fight and I didn't let him win.

"I must admit we look really cute together" I said handing out my phone from my back pocket, showing him the picture.

He picked the phone out of my hands and threw it in the corner of the room.

"Hey watch out it's a very expensive phone" I shouted at him and walked over to where he threw my phone.

If it's broken I'm going to kill him. Okay not really of course but you know what I mean.

Fortunately, for him, there wasn't a scratch on it. But that didn't hold back that he didn't have to just throw with my stuff.

I opened my contacts on my phone and searched for a number.

I clicked on the call button and held the phone to my ear.

"Who are you calling?" Niall said walking in my direction.

I held my hand up for him to wait and the person on the other line picked up the phone.

"Hey... yes its Sarah. Uhm could you please pick me up at Niall's apartment?" I asked and didn't look at Niall but instead looked at the ground.

I know he was furious at the moment and I couldn't handle all this stuff anymore.

"No I just want to go home okay? Yes. Thanks see you in a bit. Bye" I said hanging up the phone.

I looked up to meet Niall's eyes. He was still angry but also a little scared of my reaction.

"Who did you called?" he asked again.

Why was he making such a big deal from all of this?

"I was calling Harry god damn it" I said at him.

"Do you think I want all of this? Have you ever thought about me?" I shouted.

Tears were at the corner of my eyes, I didn't want to let them fall this soon.

He didn't reply so I continued.

"You know out of everyone I only want you but if you keep going on like this and when you can't trust me, then it's not going to work" I said a little softer.

"I just want to go home and clear my head from every guy except for Silvano because I have my cross in a few days and I can't get this stuff in my head during the cross. So please just understand it" I said and I walked past him to look out of the window if Harry was already coming.

I heard shuffling behind me and slowly felt two arms grab me by my waist and softly turning me around.

I let the tears fall and Niall leaned with his head in the crook of my neck.

"Please don't leave me. I'm so sorry" Niall said.

I placed my arms around his neck and we stayed like this for a while.

Niall leaned back and I placed a soft kiss on his lips.

"I just need time okay. I'm going to think about it after the cross" I said and Niall smiled a little and leaned in and placed soft kisses on my neck.

"We can work through this together, right?" I asked Niall and he leaned back to look at me.

"I love you Sarah" he said and I saw tears brimming in his eyes.

The honk of a car was heard outside, that must be Harry.

"I love you too Niall" I said to him and we shared one last kiss.

"Please you just have to trust me okay. After Saturday everything is going to be alright" I said and we both smiled at each other.

I opened his front door and closed it behind me and walked back down the stairs to Harry's car.

Learn To Love Again - Niall Horan - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now