Chapter 34

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Inside the club it was filled with a lot of people.

I was struggling to keep up with Matt who was trying to make a way through all of the people.

He was pulling me along with him, he held my hand tight but for some sort of reason we got disconnected from each other so I was standing here like a homeless puppy looking around if I saw someone I actually know.

"Hey this way" someone shouted in my ear and when I looked up it was Lindsay.

She was a few inches taller than me, but I didn't have to look up really much to eye her.

She grabbed my hand and led me to the table where all the other people we were with already had a seat.

Why were they sitting, I mean we're in a club and normally you dance in a club.

"When are we going to the dance floor?" I said in Daniella's ear.

At first I wanted to whisper but since no one could actually hear you here, I could talk normal and they wouldn't hear me.

You had to shout to hear each other or sit really close to have normal conversation.

"After we had a few drinks okay" she said and I nodded. I looked around and saw a few people with pink drinks in their hands, I definitely was going to take a drink like that too.

I liked colored drinks, and most times they also tasted a lot sweeter than clear drinks.

I walked over to Matt and sat down next to him on one of the white couches at our table.

I wondered how the people at the club choose for white couches because people where definitely going to spill their drinks over it or puke or something like that.

But this couch looked really new.

Wait what am I talking about, I'm making a whole theory about the color of a couch.

Whatever, if it sits nice then it's good.

Discussion in my head ended.

I looked up at Niall and he was eying me suspiciously. I was wondering how long he was looking at me, probably when I sat down next to Matt and started this weird discussion in my head about couches.

We were still looking at each other and how longer I looked, how more eyes I felt on us.

The others were looking at us now but no matter what, I couldn't look away from Niall's eyes looking at me.

My mind went blank and suddenly a lot of pictures flashed in front of my eyes.

I tried to blink my eyes but it was like my eyes were frozen in the same position.

The tune of an unfamiliar song came on in the club and hearing the lyrics made me shiver.

I just remembered something from my past but I didn't really know WHAT I exactly remembered.

The only thing I saw were me and Niall in a club and the tune of this song playing on the background.

"Hey are you two holding a staring competition?" Matt nudged me in the shoulder, which made me look up at him, breaking the eye contact with Niall.

"Uh yeah sort of" I replied, blushing a little.

When I looked back at Niall he smiled at me, he saw what happened to me.

"We should buy some drinks, are you coming along with me Ni?" I asked, standing up and walking over to Niall.

I really had to talk to him and ask him why a few minutes ago I was experiencing this weird feeling.

"Yeah sure" he said, also standing up and walking with me to the farthest end of the club, so no one could see us.

When we both sat on a bar stool and we sat so we were facing each other, I didn't really know what to say anymore.

But I wanted to know it so bad so I was the first to speak up.

"What the hell just happened?" I asked, still feeling a little dizzy from what just occurred.

"Did you remember it?" Niall asked, he seemed really happy, but he knew what was going on.

"Remember what exactly?" I asked and the smile that was on his face a few seconds ago was now gone.

Niall sighed and wanted to say something, but I stopped him and continued talking.

"Look I saw some images flashing in front of my eyes from you and I [A/N: *sings you and I-I-I-I-I*] and the song that was on in the club sounded really familiar but yet so unfamiliar because I just don't remember a lot of songs I liked.

Niall leaned in closer and stopped when his lips were near my ear and started singing in my ear.

"Whatever the weather

We gon' be better together

So what's up baby?

What about us?

'Cause I've been watchin' and waitin'

Why don't you give it or take it?

So what's up baby?

What about us?

Watcha doin' to my head?

Should be here with me instead

What about those words you said?

What about us?"

"What about us?" we both sang the last sentence and I finally remembered what this song meant to me.

"You asked me to be your girlfriend" I said and his lips curved up in smile, the way I liked it.

"And you said yes" he finished it off.

"So we had a relationship" I questioned, I was still confused about it now I knew what Niall meant to me or had meant to me.

"Yes well actually we still have because we never really broke up for real" he said, which made me confused more.

"Wait I don't really get it" I said, pulling at the ends of my hair.

"If you want me to explain it all to you, it's going to take a long time. Maybe we should better meet up another time and then I'll explain" Niall said, I saw that he was telling the truth, he really wanted to explain it.

"Okay" I said and I slowly tried to climb of the bar stool and landing with both of my feet on the ground.

When I successfully had landed on the ground, Niall had already ordered a few trays with drinks.

I took two green shots from the tray and handed him one.

"You feed me one and I feed you one" I said and we both gave each other a shot.

"That was fun, let's do it again" Niall said and we fed each other two more shots from the green colored alcohol.

I didn't know how I was going to survive this night without a few drinks because otherwise my mind would be at a lot of other places instead of having fun with my friends.

Feeling a little dizzy from the shots I walked over to Matt and sat down at his lap instead of next to him.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer, so now I was laying with my head on his shoulder and my back pressed against his chest.

"Did you miss me" he said in my ear and I giggled at his question.

"Off course I missed you" I said, "I haven't seen you in ten minutes" I added and laughed at myself made joke which I found really funny.

I looked at the people around me who were all drinking some shots and when I looked at Niall he looked a little sad.

I think because I was sitting with another guy, or actually sitting on top of another guy.

Well that sounds wrong, if I should say so.

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