Home Sweet Prison

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It has been two months since I came home. All of that time father only has me training for something called the final chapter of the Winchester vs Salvatore battle. He is also teaching me to use my demon side and when to use it. Papa calls my Nemisis and even had my listed in the hunter archives.   You know that place they mark the most wanted demons. And currently I am listed as tenth most wanted.

  "Antoinetta!" Papa screams getting my attention. "What did I just tell you?!"
   "No matter who the hunter is to me I am must not tell them what I am. For they won't believe me and if they believe me they will kill me," I answer challenging him. "Being part demon will also give me an advantage over that Salvatore brat."

"That's my little Nemisis speaking!" Ares shouts proudly. "And what do we do when we take on those filthy high and mighty Salvatores?"
  "Nemisis must not fail in winning her," I answer feeling myself go demon because of the praise. "I shall not be like my weekling brothers who failed you."
  "And who are they?" Ares asks bending down to Netta's level smiling at her.

  "Dean and James Papa," I answer looking him in the eye. "I will be like Valic and Alexander and make you proud to be my father."

  "And what does a true Winchester do when fighting? When hunting demons?" he ask brining his hand out to slap Netta but she grabs the hand mid slap growling.

  "A Winchester always win no matter what," she growls out pushing Ares over on his back. "A Winchester never takes no as an answer. A Winchester is bred to fight and is bred to protect. And that is what I am going to do."

  "You are ready my dear daughter," Ares says proudly standing up straight. "Now all we have to do is work on your anger issues. You know if you want to win and anger them more is if you are calm during the battle."

  "How do I do that Papa?" Netta asks her eyes returning to normal.
  "By doing that dear child," Ares says his eyes going wide with shock. "It seems you are ready for battle and life. What did they not teach you in that asylum?"

  "Getting rid of being shy Papa," Netta whimpers her eyes tearing up as she looks at the floor. "I am terribly shy."

  "All the more reason to win this fight," Ares says hearing something then growls. "When will Valic stop with playing drums and when will Ashley stop playing those stupid bass guitar of his."

"I quite happen to like the music they create," Netta says her eyes lighting up. "They are quite good don't you think Papa?"

  "I have no time for instrument playing bafoons!" Ares shouts slamming his fist onto his desk. "They should be focusing on training and hunting!"

  "But Papa I happen to know that Valic is one of the best hunters out there and he is studying to be a doctor," Netta says defending her brother. "He is always training his best until he sucseeds. He is a real Winchester and your sole half bred demon son."

  "And the son I am most proud of having fathered," Ares answers stepping back in a shock from Netta's out burst. "You are ready for life my sweet innocent little demon blood Antoinetta. Any man who dare to hurts you will be held acountable for his actions."

  "I am glad we got that out of the way Papa," Netta says smirking taking out a small sword. "Now where were we during training?"

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