Pumpkins in the Back

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Inside, Jace and Riele scrambled to get their belongings back in order and come up with a plan to distract their friends from finding out what they had been up to.

Though they hadn't known it yet, their wispy Autumn night was about to get more interesting.

............................................. o .............................................

"Thanks for the battery jump.", China smiled reluctantly. She wasn't used to thanking Thomas for anything, much less acknowledging him for being kind. 

"This battery's been giving me a lot of problems lately. My dad bought it for me just last week and it's already acting up.", she said. 

"Well it's recharged now. But you're better off just buying a new battery.", said Thomas. 

"Damn, I was hoping I didn't have to.", China sighed.

"How much do you think it'll cost?", asked Aaliyah. 

The two girls turned to Thomas, anticipating an answer from him. 

The city streetlamp above them flickered on, alerting them that it was nine o'clock.

"Maybe two or three hundred. You should take it back to the dealership and get a refund, though. That battery shouldn't have so many problems if it's brand new.", he said. 

"I know, I know. I'd been meaning to take it back eventually, but I've just been busy with school and shit.", China shrugged.

"You're just lucky I have a spare jump or else you two would have been stranded in the streets of Bel Air.", he said. 

"Oh, there are much worse places to be stranded, Leprechaun.", China answered. 

"Wow. That's racist.", started Thomas.

"Oh, shut up.", China snapped back. 

"He actually has been nicer tonight, Chi.", Aaliyah frowned. 

"Mhmmm.", China frowned back. 

"No, no I really think he may be changing. That's what happens when your parents kick you out of the house.", Aaliyah shrugged, staring at the car.

Thomas cleared his throat and smiled fakely, "Thanks for talking about me like I'm not standing right here. Not that it's any of your business, but they didn't kick me out of the house. I left willingly. My family is fucking psychotic and not worth the damage to my mental health."

"Oooh, angsty.", both girls snorted, loudly laughing at him. 

"I feel like y'all don't have boundaries. Like it must hurt to be your friend.", he mockingly laughed back.

"Oh shush. We're just fucking with you.", China smiled and handed him a $20 bill. "Here. For checking on my car for me."

"I told you I won't take your money China.", he shook his head no. "Save it and go fix your shit."

"If you insist.", she pocketed the bill back into her purse and got back into her car with Aaliyah. 

"You guys going to the kickback tonight?", Ross asked from the passenger seat of Thomas' bugatti, finally looking up from his phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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