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I stood frozen in place as the doctor kept talking why didn't she tell me the doctor snapped his fingers and I snapped out of the daze I was in "are you okay sir" the doctor said I'm okay I replied I just need want to see Hanna

"You can her see her now if you'd like she's awake,room 312" the doctor said with smile and walked off

I ran down the whole until I found her room and I knocked on the door "come in" I walked in and walked over to Hanna who despite everything that's happened still had a smile on her face.

"Caleb" Hanna said with a smile as I walked over to her

"Hanna I'm so sorry I said but before I could finish what I was going to say I was cut off by Hanna saying "Caleb stop apologizing please it's not your fault she said kissing my cheek"

"But I feel like all this is my fault" I said taking her hand

"It's not Caleb I promise it's nobody's fault,I love you" she said with a smile

"I love you too" I replied as the doctor walked in

"Hanna we need to do more tests to see if the baby is okay" the doctor said as the nurse walked in with a smile

I looked at Hanna who looked worried "are you okay han" I said

"I'm fine Caleb..I just don't want you to leave" she said looking at the doctor

It'll only take a second Hanna,he can wait outside "the doctor said walking over to Hanna

"I'll be right back" I said kissing her before I got up "I love you"

"I love you too" she said with a sigh as I walked out


Hanna's Pov

As Caleb walked out I'll admit I felt scared the doctor said he doesn't know if the baby survived..I know what you're thinking and yes I did know..I just-I didn't tell Caleb..because the last time I was pregnant I had a miscarriage and he didn't take it so well..and I didn't want to get his hopes up...I was getting my blood taken and I guess the nurse noticed I was nervous because she told the doctor to go get me something to drink

"Hey it's gonna be okay" the nurse said as she took the needle out of my arm. "Everything's gonna be perfectly fine,we'll come back after we get the test results from this and do the rest so Caleb can come back and be with you for a while" she said putting the viles in a box

"Thank you" I said with a smile as the nurse left and Caleb came back in

"Caleb I'm so sorry I didn't tell you..about the baby,I just didn't want to get your hopes up again..after what happened the last time"

"Hanna..don't think this your fault and don't think any of this is going to change anything I still love you so much" he said leaning down and kissing my cheek

"I love you too Caleb" I said smiling "Where's my mom? Is she here" I asked with a yawn

"Yeas she in the waiting room I'll go get her" Caleb said getting up and leaving the room a few minutes later my mom walked in and gave me the biggest hug

"How are you feeling sweetie" she asked concerned

"I'm fine mom,I'm just sore and I'm scared" I said closing my eyes

"Why are you scared honey do you want me to go get Caleb"

"No mom..I'm scared that AD is still after me..and now they'll be after the baby too.."

"Sweetie..none of us are going to let anything happen to you" my mom said with a smile "now get some rest,I'll tell everyone they can visit you when you're done with tests"

"Thanks mom can you hand me my phone" I said as she left the room

"Sure honey" she said as she handed me my phone and left

As I unlocked my phone my eyes widened and my heart started to race which I guess caused the machines go off because everything started beeping and the nurses and doctors came rushing in..AD was still after me..and they aren't happy

Rock A bye baby...you're family won't ever be perfect Hanna..-AD

I hope you liked this!!! Thank you for all the support on the book so far it means a lot!! If you like it please continue to like comment and follow ❤️💓

-Brianna 💓

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