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Caleb's pov

I took the picture out of my bag of when me and Hanna first meet..she's beautiful...I remember when we had our first fight..I never want to fight with her like that ever again..it was when I cheated on her...and I still haven't forgiven myself for it

Note:if you've read the other chapters than you remember me mentioning him cheating a first time okay good 👌


Hanna's pov
'Where is he' I thought to myself as I paced back and forth waiting for Caleb to get home. He said he'd be home by 9 and it's 10:30 ugh he's always so late.A few minutes passed and I heard the front door open 'Finally' I thought as I ran to give Caleb a hug but as soon as I went near him the smell of alcohol lingered

'Caleb...have you been drinking?' I asked bringing him in the kitchen

'N-oooooo-ooo o-offff courseee not hannaaaa' he said slurring his words

'Yes you have! Caleb I thought we agreed no more drinking,I can smell it on your breath Caleb' I said more upset that angry

'It's fineeee babeeee' he said pulling me in for a kiss

'No Caleb you're drunk you need to go to sleep' I said pushing him away when I noticed something on his collar 'Caleb what's that' I asked looking at his collar

'Whatsss what?' He said as he stumbled towards the stairs

'Is that lipstick?!' I said shocked 'Caleb where did you go tonight?!' I said confused and hurt

'Umm nooo' he said knowing he'd been caught

'Yes it is Caleb!! Who was she' I said feeling the tears form in my eyes

'Yes it is Caleb!! Who was she' I said feeling the tears form in my eyes

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'I don't knowwww some random girl I guess'

I was completely shocked and heartbroken I couldn't believe he did this to me 'WE'RE OVER CALEB' I said running up the stairs

'WELL FINE BITCH' I heard him yell from the living room which made me cry even more' how could he I ran upstairs and threw everything that reminded me of him on the floor

End of flashback

Hanna's pov
We've been sitting here In the parking lot for an hour trying to figure out what to do and honestly I don't know because even if we find Caleb..I have a feeling Miranda was the one in that picture and he better have a good reason why...he played the drunk card twice...but one of them has to be a lie

'Should we go check his cabin' Spencer said trying to break the silence

'I guess' I said with a sigh.'but I'm probably not going to get out

'You don't have to' aria said.' But we should at least go check' she said buckling her seatbelt

'Okay' I said in a whisper trying not to cry

'Han...do you remember the first time we went to the beach and you wouldn't get in the water because you thought a shark would eat you because you thought it would be attracted to your perfume smell and Spencer went on and on about how that wasn't true' Emily said trying to make me laugh.

'Y-yea' I said with a chuckle. That was a good day em

'It was' Spencer said 'expect aria lost her shoes and made me give her mine 'Spencer said laughing and rolling her eyes'

'Thanks guys' I said with a smile and drying my tears

'Of course' aria said giving me a hug

Caleb's pov
Ive been here for over 4 hours when I heard a car pull up and I knew exactly who it was..Hanna I immediately went to the window and looked out Toby was coming to the door so I just sat down obviously there wasn't much I could do

"Caleb! Are you here?" I heard Toby ask as he knocks on the door

I sighed and went to the door to unlock it and suddenly I was flooded with people and questions

"Caleb! What are you doing" Spencer said punching my arm

'Ow! What was that for' I said holding my arm

'Why don't you go talk to your WIFE' Spencer says pointing to Hanna

I walked outside and knocked on the window she unrolled it but  didn't look up at me

'Han?' I asked 'are you okay'

She handed me my phone out the window and it was on the night I went to New York.."fuck" I thought to myself.i reached in the window and unlocked the door and sat down next to Hanna and rolled up the window and looked at her

'Hanna look at me please' I said hoping she'd look up at me

'Caleb' she said in a shaky voice 'tell me what I read on that phone wasn't how I'm thinking it was please

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'Caleb' she said in a shaky voice 'tell me what I read on that phone wasn't how I'm thinking it was please..' and I'll believe you'

'Hanna..' i said in a low voice 'you know it's not' I said whipping the tears away that had fallen

'Then what we're you doing Caleb' she said,and I could tell she didn't believe me

'Han' I said looking her in the eyes 'what happened in New York is not what you think Miranda is my business partner now..we're old friends I swear to you nothing happened'

She thought for a minute not breaking eye contact with me but she finally said something

'Okay Caleb..I believe you' she said with a smile

I leaned in and kissed her letting her know how much I love her..before I could say anything we we were interrupted with an

I rolled my eyes and looked at Hanna

"I love you" I said

"I love you too" she said putting her head on my shoulder

Ads pov

Im not through with them just yet...oh and your probably wondering who I am...you'll find out soon enough...but for now I have to focus on my goal..making sure they don't get to comfortable

Hey guys!! This chapter was almost a thousand words omg!! So worry I still have tons of ideas!!! We'll get to see Hanna's baby soon!! So that's exciting I'm so glad you guys are liking It I hope you continue to read it if you like it continue to comment like and follow thanks for all the support ❤️❤️

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