•Thirty one

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Hanna's pov
It's been a few hours since our beautiful baby girl was born and I'm over joyed,Caleb's parents are on the way and he hasn't seen them in years..I hope everything goes well. The doctor said I could go home in a day or so.He said even though the baby was born Early she is perfectly heathy! Caleb had left to get the baby bag and everything so aria Spencer and Emily where going to stay with me

"Aww!! She's so cute" Emily said walking over to me. "Can I hold her?" She asked sitting at the edge of the bed.

"Oo oo me next me next" aria said smiling and raising.

"Of course,you can all hold her." I said giving Taylor to Emily.

"Awww!!,she's so cute." Emily said with a smile "You are going to be a fantastic mother." She said giving Taylor to aria who was jumping up and down

"Aw!." Aria sat sitting down in the chair beside the door. "She's precious." "We'll help as much as we can." She said handing Taylor to Spencer

"So Spencer,do you want a boy or a girl?." I said looking at my phone

"I really want a girl." She said rocking Taylor "but Toby wants a boy." But honestly I'm just super excited to be a parent.

"You'll be an amazing mom" I said. I was about to say something else when I heard a knock at the door

"Come in" I said

"Heyy" Calebs mom said as she closed the door

"Mrs rivers!,You guys came!" You came I said sitting up

"We couldn't miss seeing our granddaughter" Mr rivers said sitting down

"Where's Caleb?." Mrs rivers asked anxiously

"He went to get the baby bag" I said handing Taylor to her "he should be back soon."

"We'll be in the waiting room if you need us." Emily said giving me a hug

"Thanks guys." I said as she closed the door

"She's perfect" Mrs rivers said looking down at Taylor with a smile. "you two will make the perfect parents"

"Thank you!" I said as Caleb walked in

"Caleb.." I said as he looked at me "I thought they should be here." I said nervous

"Thank you." Caleb said smiling and hugging his dad "thank you for coming." He said joyful

"You are going to make a great dad son" His dad said patting him on the back

"Absolutely." His mom said handing him Taylor. "We'll be in the waiting room if you need us" they said as they left

"She's perfect,isn't she" Caleb said looking me in the eyes

"She is." I said kissing him "is my mom here yet.?"

"Yea she just walked in,I'll go get her." She said handling me Taylor

"Thank you." I said looking down at Taylor." Hi hi" I said looking at Taylor who was laughing "you're so cute,just like your daddy" I said smiling as my mom walked in

"Aww." She said walking over to me "she's so cute." She said as I handed Taylor to her. "The perfect baby for the perfect parents."

"Thanks mom!." I said yawning

"You get some rest." She said "you here Caleb,take your baby." She said smiling handing her to Caleb "I wouldn't want anyone else to be the father you will be great." She said giving him a hug

"Thank you Mrs Marin,It still feels unreal." He said sitting down beside me

"But it's so worth it." My mom walking out the door

After my mom left the doctor came in a said i could leave when I felt okay too.I told him I would wait till tomorrow because it was pretty late at this point and I just wanted to sleep by now Taylor was already sleeping and I looked over and saw Caleb talking to her..it made my heart melt he was so sweet.I could tell she was going to be a daddy's girl.Since I was going home tomorrow Caleb had already started getting all the flowers and balloons together when he heard a knock at the door

"Who's that?." I said sitting up to get the drink my mom had brought me

"I don't know." He said as he opened the door with a gasp

"Whats wrong?!" I said concerned

"This..." he said bringing in a pink basket with a "congratulations" ballon (like the one AD brought aria but for a girl) "w-what's that." I asked nervous

"I-I don't know" he said as he put the basket on the table taking the note out of the basket

Congratulations Hanna! What a cute baby.. I heard you're having a wedding it'd be a shame if something got in the way..watch out

This couldn't be happening...not now no no no! I thought as I started crying as Caleb walked over to me "Hey it's going to be okay.." he said taking my hands "I'm not going to let whoever this is hurt us I promise" he said kissing my cheek "I love you" I said "I love you too." He said "now you get some sleep" he said walking out and going to talk to the others who insisted on staying the night...I tossed and turned all night I couldn't sleep knowing whoever this was took a break and now is after us again..especially know that we have Taylor..the nurse finally came in and gave me something to help me sleep.." I really hope everything works out" I said to myself as I finally dozed off to sleep

Hey!!! So I hope you like this!!! I'll be updating one more tonight in about an hour or so!!! Also comment below if you are going to read the sequel!!! Thank you for all the support on this book!! It means a lot that my first book as done so well!! And I'm so excited for you guys to read the last few chapters if you like it please comment and like 💕💕

The Other Side (COMPLETED)✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora