Chapter 1

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Nicole Gale Anderson as Theia Ambrosia

"Bye Mom, bye Dad" i say leaning over the sofa to give them each a kiss on the cheek.

"Where are you going sweetie" Mom asks giving me a knowing smile.

"Going out to lunch with Luca" i say walking out slowly.

"Oh! Tell him hello from us" Mother says a little too cheery, she's always thought Luca was a gentleman towards me.

"Will do, bye Daddy! See ya later guys, Bye!" i say while walking to the door and hearing my dad say 'bye honeybee' his nickname for me since i was little.

Closing the front door i walk up to my black Audi, I saved up all last year to get my baby for my 18th birthday, Daddy wouldn't buy it for me he wanted me to earn it by helping around the house and getting a weekly allowance.

Driving down the road from my neighborhood to this nice pizza restaurant in the heart of New York City where Luca will be waiting for me by now. I find an empty parking space and get out locking up my car walking into the little restaurant looking around for Luca i spot him in a booth looking nervous as hell...

I walk up to him, he stands and gives me a lingering kiss on the lips. God! I love how soft his lips are against mine.

"Hey" i say looking up at him once we separate.

"I love you" he breathes, okay now I know something is up. The look on his face shows it all, he looks... scared? Apologetic?

"What's wrong Luca" i ask, I'm a little nervous to find out now, He's been great our entire relationship even if it's only been 7months, I love him.

"Theia" he whispers

Okay now I'm freaking out, what the hell is going on "Luca what is it!" I'm losing my patience.

"I don't know how to tell you this, or how to start explaining this to you" he groans rubbing his eyes, it looks like he's on the verge of tears, I've never seen him cry before, this is really scaring me now. It must be serious.

"Start from the beginning babe, you're scaring me come on." i say, giving him a little smile.

"Remember last month when I went out for a couple of drinks with Kevin and Jason?" He asks while looking at his hands that are placed on the table.

I nod yes, Kevin and Jason are his closest friends, they're very nice towards me, we've hung out a few times. That specific day i was helping my mother at one of her boutiques.

"Well.. I was completely drunk, I can't remember anything that only bits and pieces" he says looking directly into my eyes looking regretful.

Oh no, please don't tell me..

"I woke up at my apartment with some girl I've never seen before, I swear I don't remember doing anything but we had no clothes on." He says the last part in a whisper.

I'm full on crying now, Luca gets up from his seat across from me and comes to sit next to me pulling me into his chest tightening his arms around me in a hug and I let him, I let him because I don't know what to do or even say... but he's not done, there's more..

"She claims that she's pregnant with my child" he chokes out, after hearing that I look up into his watery blue eyes and down at his soft pink lips, I lean in and give him one last lingering kiss.

"I love you" I say against his lips

"But you're gonna take responsibility for what you did, and I'm gonna move on, I won't be able to see someone else give you your first child.. I love you but I can't go through that." I say while asking him to move so I can get out the booth.

"I hope you understand" I breathed out, trying to contain my emotions.

I look up and he's already looking at me with a heartbroken expression, I just shake my head getting ready to walk away, he stops me by grabbing my wrist.

"I love you" he says while looking into my watery eyes, a tear escaped and he catches it with his thumb. I nod and give him a small smile giving him a last kiss on the cheek and walk out the restaurant not giving a crap of people staring.

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