Chapter 3

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It's been two weeks since that whole incident with Luca happened, I've been a mess crying myself to sleep the first week but then it went from crying myself to sleep to not eating much or just eating a whole bunch of junk food, my brothers have had enough seeing me like this, yesterday night they walked into my room with busted knuckles saying 'we took care of that' they looked like crazy people just standing in my doorway with big dimple smiles.

I didn't even ask what they did, kind of figured it out on my own, they most likely found Luca and beat him to a bloody pulp. So today it's Saturday and my brothers and I are at the gym they own, yea they own a gym at age 21 they are very successful, I'm proud, I've learned a lot here.

So at the moment I'm punching the crap out of this punching bag, a few kicks here and there. Alec is holding the punching bag so it won't swing back at me.

"Thi, take it easy I can feel the punches through the bag, damn!" Alec whines like a 5yr old so I stop and look at him with a look that says 'really you big baby' his whole damn body is like all muscle and he's complaining.

He's about to reply when a deep voice cut him off "I've never seen such a beautiful woman hit a punching bag that hard" I turn around and damn I see a very handsome guy, his body covered in tattoos and damn he was hot!! He is shirtless.. I need to fan myself!

"You're thinking out loud" he whispers into my ear making be blush hard.

"Damn I said that out loud!"

"Yes you did and I really don't like hearing my little sister think dirty about some tattooed guy, please my ears are going to fall off" Alec says while putting his hands over his ears to cover them.

I ignore Alec and introduce myself to this tattooed god! "Hi, I'm Theia" I say not being able to shake his hand because of the boxing gloves I have on so I just fist bump him and we laugh.

"Alessandro, nice to meet you Theia, such a beautiful name" he smiles and damn that smile makes me melt. I blush.. damn

"Hey Thi! Who's this dude?" Elias asks showing up out of nowhere.

Alec beats me to it before I could respond "he just popped up and started flirting with her Eli, what should we do?" I roll my eyes I swear they over react

"Guys please stop, I don't need this right now" they both look at me with sympathetic looks that just makes me want to punch them in the face!

"Okay okay we're going" they both say in unison

"Twins" I say under my breath

"Identical huh" the tattooed hottie says making me look up at his beautiful face instantly.

"Yup, those are my older twin brothers, it always gets interesting when they get girlfriends" I laugh because those girls have a hard time telling who's who.

"I bet, would you like to work out with me" he asks not even nervous, he's very confident.

"Um.. sure why not" I smile walking over to the bench to take off my gloves, Alessandro doesn't even let me start to take them off he does it for me and I just smile and say thanks.

Once that's done we do weight lifting and for some reason he grabs me lifting me up about twenty times and I'm laughing so hard I almost make him drop me but he steadies himself.. we do a few runs on the treadmill, it's actually fun having someone that are not your brothers to work out with.

We loose ourselves having a good time working out and by the time I look at the time it's 8pm and I'm exhausted, so I let Alessandro know I'm done for today and he smirks saying that he's impressed I've lasted that long, I roll my eyes it's not like I'm a newbie I've been doing this since I was sixteen.

"It was fun, I'm glad you noticed me today" I wink at him in a playful way laughing afterwards.

"Of course I noticed, look at you" he says eyeing me up and down and I blush once again.. ugh!

"Please stop that's my baby sister you're talking about" Elias my brother interrupts us.

"Come on its time go home" Alec says walking up to us.

"Let me get your number yea?" Alessandro asks giving me his famous smile.

"Yea sure" i reply and he hands me his phone and I put in my number saving it under Theia of course and the emoji heart eyes. He laughs once he sees it and says he'll text me later and waves at us before walking out the gym doors.

"Okay I'm beat let's go home" I say leaning against Alec, too tired to stand on my own so I hop on his back and he carries me out to the car, once we're in Elias drives off arriving home in less than 30min.

"I'm pooped, I'm gonna shower and go to bed, love you goodnight" I run upstairs and get into the shower and get ready for bed. What a long day and I haven't thought of Luca all day since hanging out with Alessandro most of the day. I still miss him though but I have to stay strong even if I love him.

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