Chapter 9

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So Amy is 5months pregnant now and we found out we are having a baby girl, I'm getting used to the whole 'I'm gonna be a father soon' Amy and I have got close and I know she wants more from me as in relationship wise but I'm just not ready for that. Alessandro is still seeing Theia, they are inseparable I'm glad she has someone to make her happy I just wish it wasn't my brother.

Currently we were at my parents home having lunch, my mother invited us since my father isn't going to be home for a few days, he's checking up on a few hotels and companies making sure everything is in order.

As we were about to start eating we heard loud laughing coming our way, few minutes later Alessandro walks in with Theia on his back clinging onto him.

"Hi" Theia greets us very cheery

"What a surprise, I haven't seen you in a couple of weeks, either way hello darling it's great seeing you"Mama gets up to greet Theia and Alessandro

"We've been staying in after all these jobs Papà sends us to we just wanted to relax a bit" Alessandro says while holding Theia by the waist

Alessandro walks over patting me on the back greeting me with a 'hello brother' and giving Amy a nod, Mama sets up two more plates for them to join us and we continue our lunch with small talk, I tell them we found out we're having a little girl and Alessandro congratulates us as Mama hugs us both, Theia just gives me a small smile.

"Will you excuse me" Theia gets up off her chair and walks off, I don't even think twice before going after her, I find her in my old bedroom in the bathroom throwing up.

"Hey are you okay" I say rubbing her back gently, she has short hair and didn't need to be moved back.

"Yes, I've been feeling sick lately but I'm fine" she manages to say after flushing the toilet, I hand her a wet wash cloth and her tooth brush that is surprisingly still here.

"Does Alessandro know that you've been throwing up?" I ask while she brushes her teeth and tongue rinsing her mouth she shakes her head no.

I'm only thinking one thing and I really hope I'm not right "um.. maybe you're pregnant" i say rubbing the back of my neck, she turns her head to look at me with wide eyes.

"What!" She shrieks shaking her head rapidly not wanting to accept that.

"It's a possibility if you've been sick more then once"

"No Luca I can't" she says in a whisper before sitting on the toilet with her head in her hands, I kneel in front of her taking her hands in mine and looking into her beautiful eyes "it'll be okay" I caress her cheeks with my thumb, I hate the idea of her giving Alessandro his first kid just thinking of them being intimate gets me angry but who am I to say anything I fucked up our relationship, I lean my forehead to hers and just look at her.

"I'll always love you Theia" she closes her eyes and shakes her head before standing up but i grab her by the waist and bring her back down and kiss her showing her just how much she still affects me our tongues mingle together in a hot kiss, I get up bringing her with me not breaking the kiss, I lift her up onto the counter and continue to devour her mouth with mine "I've missed you" I say between kisses she moans a little before breaking away.

"What are we doing? No I can't do this your with Amy and I'm with Alessandro, I need to go" she gets off the counter and fixes herself up a little before walking to the door.

"I'm not with Amy, she knows I won't be because of my feelings for you" I follow behind her as she walks out not giving me a second glance before going back down to Alessandro, once we get there they all look up Amy looks like she wants to rip Theias hair out and Alessandro stands to ask Theia if she's okay, Mama looks a bit worried.

"She was throwing Alessandro" he looks at me then at Theia who was glaring at me.

"Did you eat something that got you sick?"

"It hasn't been the first time she's thrown up" I mutter under my breath but he heard me.

"What? Baby why didn't you tell me"

"I didn't want to worry you and plus it's no big deal I'm fine" Theia insists

"You're pregnant" Amy blurts out

At that Mama gasps, Alessandro just stands there looking kinda pale, I would laugh but it's not the time.

"I mean that's how I felt when I found out I was, so maybe it's the same for you" 

"Amy please you're making this worse, look I think my brother is going to pass out!" At least that got Alessandro to snap back into reality.

"That's fine we'll go to the doctors tomorrow morning just to make sure" he says trying to stay calm and bringing Theia into his arms holding her tight.

After that we all sat around talking about random things, I couldn't get that kiss out of my head but seeing how Alessandro can't keep his hands off Theia and giving little kisses here and there I know I have to let her go, I'm having a kid in a few months, I turn to Amy to see her looking at the way my brother treats Theia, I grab her hand getting her attention giving it a little squeeze as in saying we're going to be okay.

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