~2~ angel

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"I am Dark Angel Benjamin," he growls, touching the tree next to him and killing it. "I spend my days bringing death, grief, and pain to humans."

I blink at the angel, continuing to study his features. He has on a black trench coat that stops at his knees, black dress pants, and black boots. His pale skin and hazel eyes contrast with his dark accessories.

"Stop staring at me, human!" He roars, gritting his teeth and hiding his face with a large, black, feathery wing. "Or I'll kill you with my own hands!"

I don't know what it is, but something inside of me changes. I somehow put aside the grief for my deceased dog and feel pity for Benjamin.

"I-I'm sorry, Mr. Benjamin," I manage to choke out. "I just find your wings to be....quite beautiful."

The dark angel removes the wing from his face and tucks both behind his back like a bird would. He narrows his eyes. "Are you just trying to flatter me so I'll bring your pathetic dog back?" He spits the words out like an old man spits chewing tobacco.

I hold my trembling hands up in defense. "Oh no no sir," I say, although I am heartbroken at the loss of my dear dog. Besides, if he is an angel of death, I don't think he would be able to bring Oliver back.

Benjamin smirks evilly. "You're afraid of me." He slyly smiles with satisfaction.

I'm not about to lie to him, I admit I am terrified of him. But I still feel some sort of connection to him. I nod slightly.

"Good," he continues. "That means you'll stay out of this forest. If you ever come back," Benjamin picks a flower from the ground and instantly turns it into ash, "you know what's waiting for you."

I get up off the ground and sprint back home, not daring to look behind me. With a sad pang in my stomach, I decide I'll have to make up a story to my mother about what happened to Oliver. If she knew that danger really does lurk in the forest, she probably won't let me go back.

The back door is unlocked, so I enter and find my mom watching TV on the recliner, a bowl of soup in her lap. She turns around and smiles warmly at my sight. "Oh good, you're back, Lynn. I made some homemade soup of you want some."

I shake my head and brush a strand of my blonde hair behind my ear, almost the same shade of blonde as my mother's. "No thanks, I'm not hungry."

My mom isn't satisfied with my answer. "What's wrong, dear? And where is Oliver."

I take a deep breath, feeling complete pain for lying to my own mother. "He chased after a squirrel and I lost him. I tried to follow him but he was too fast."

My mom's eyes soften. "Oh Lynn, I'm sure he'll find his way home."

I nod, trying my best to keep myself together. "I'm gonna get to bed early tonight."

Evil Angel ~ Benjamin BurnleyWhere stories live. Discover now