~6~ letter

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(Lynn's POV)

"Good morning, Lynn!" My mother gives me her usual cheerful morning greeting while sipping her coffee at the kitchen table. Today is Saturday, the only day my mom doesn't have work.

I shove the letter for Benjamin in my back pocket. "Good morning, mom." I reply, grabbing a banana from the fruit bowl.

"I'm gonna head out to the grocery store here soon, do you want to come?" My mom asks, finishing up her coffee.

I shake my head. "I'm gonna go back out to the forest to look for Oliver." It hurts to have to lie to the only family I have, but what would she think if she knew I was meeting with an angel of darkness? And on top of that, would she even believe me?

My mother sighs. "Sweetheart, he's been gone for almost a week. I think you should start to move on; I can save up money to get another dog."

"No dog could replace Oliver," I retort, leaving out the back door and sprinting to the forest.

The wet morning grass soaks my sneakers and the air is thick with mist. My long blonde hair rushes in the wind behind me as I dodge trees and leap over rocks.

Eventually, I get to the place where I first met Benjamin. I leave the letter wedged in between two branches, hoping he'll see it.

After the deed is done, I head in the direction from which I came.

(Ben's POV)

I watch Lynn as she leaves a folded up piece of paper in the tree branch. After she put it there, she runs off. As soon as I'm sure she's gone, I swoop down and open the piece of paper.

It has my name on it. With curiosity, I unfold the paper and see a whole paragraph has been written on it:

Dear Benjamin,

I want to thank you a million times for saving me from my nightmare last night. I don't know if you know this, but my dad died from cancer when I was young and I've had the same reoccurring nightmare almost every night ever since. I wish there was something I could do to repay you.

Yours truly,

I fold up the letter and keep it in my pocket, vowing to myself to never lose it. I open my soot-gray wings and take off into the sky after Lynn, hoping to catch up to her.

Sure enough, I spot her. I smile deviously and decide to scare her. Hey, I'm an angel of darkness, I can't be nice all the time.

I dive down and scoop her up in my arms, taking off back into the sky.

She shrieks in surprise and then looks at me. I chuckle at her reaction. "So did you read my letter?" She asks.

I nod, taking her back to my usual spot in the tree and setting her down. She finds a spot on the branch next to me.

"Why did you do it? You fully intended on killing me just a week ago." Lynn speaks up after a brief moment of silence.

I run my fingers through my jet black hair. "I honestly don't know. I usually feel nothing but hate for humans, but there's something different about you. I don't know if you noticed, but my wings aren't black anymore; they're getting lighter by the day."

Lynn gently strokes one of my wings. "Yep, I've definitely noticed." She giggles.

"I think it has something to do with you," I admit. "I don't feel joy in bringing pain anymore. All I want to do is make your life better, not worse like my first intentions. All of the humans I've met before were selfish and greedy, but you cared for me, even though I didn't deserve it. So I don't think you deserve pain; you've had a tough life already."

From the corner of my eye, I see Lynn wipe tears away from her eyes with her sleeve. She scoots closer to me and hugs me as best as she can without falling off the branch.

"I'm always gonna be here to protect you," I promise, rubbing her back gently.

Evil Angel ~ Benjamin BurnleyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu