~5~ nightmare

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(Ben's POV)

Night falls upon earth and I am still invisible to Lynn in her room. She is fast asleep in her bed, completely unmoving except for the rise and fall of her chest.

I would have already gone back to the forest, but the truth is, it gets too quiet and lonely out there. I may be a creature of darkness but I still have feelings; and Lynn is the only human I've met who cares for me.

The longer I stay with Lynn, the lighter my wings have gotten. The desire to cause harm to Lynn is still there, but it's distant. I've started to feel a warm sensation in my chest since I met Lynn, as if a small flame has ignited inside of me.

Lynn starts to twitch and mutter things in her sleep, arousing me from my thoughts. I flap over to her bedside and kneel beside her. She must be having a nightmare.

I don't know how to stop the nightmare; my powers only cause harm. I think for a minute on what I should do. Then I remember when I was writhing in pain on the ground a few days ago, Lynn had held me. It had helped me feel better, so maybe if I do the same to her, she'll feel better.

I crawl into her bed next to her and embrace her from behind, shielding her from the nightmare with my wings. I rest my chin on top of her head and close my eyes, hoping to provide relief.

(Lynn's POV)

"Daddy, come back!" I scream into his hospital gown.

I'm having the nightmare again; the day my dad died. He was diagnosed with cancer when I was 6 years old and he passed away when I was 9.

Almost every night, I relive the horrible scene in my nightmare. I always wake up crying with my pillow soaked with tears.

But something unusual happened. While I was crying into my hands beside my dad's hospital bed, I see something in the corner of the room that's not usually there.

I look up and see Benjamin. His hands are shoved in the pockets of his trench coat and his eyes are soft with pity. His wings are spread out, now a smoky gray color instead of the jet black they usually are.

Benjamin didn't speak, but his eyes said a thousand words. I get up from the floor and run up to him, hugging his waist.

"B-Benjamin," I whimper. "Do you think you can bring my dad back?"

Benjamin gently runs his fingers through my hair. "I'm sorry, Lynn. I don't know how." He speaks for the first time in my dream.

I wake up, expecting to see Benjamin in my room, but there is nobody there. I know he was here, his voice sounded all too real in my dream.

I sit down and write a letter that I'm going to leave in the forest for Benjamin. When I'm finished writing it, I throw fresh clothes on and head out the door.

Evil Angel ~ Benjamin BurnleyWhere stories live. Discover now