Chapter 18

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Harry's POV

Running for my life, well, for fresh air, I slammed the basement door behind me and twisted the shiny key. I pressed my back to it and caught my breath, my legs wobbling for not running in years before I set of again once I heard Briton screaming at me. I ripped open the front door before I ran, again.

I carried on running, until I came across public toilets. Running in there, I immediately spotted the dirt in there, but that's the least I care about. I also noticed my self in the mirror. I had on some grey jogging bottoms and some ratty shoes, that are probably Britons old ones. Eugh.

I noticed my hair was different, you could notice it was curly more, and it was over grown. Briton did cut it but not for the last 3-4 months he didn't.

It kept falling in my face, so I ripped some of my burgundy shirts long sleeve, ripping off both arms and rolling it up a bit and the top so it was now short sleeve, before making a bandana.

It will do, for now.

I ran outside again, and ran to the nearest park, before I laid on the grass, taking a deep breath. It wasn't that busy because it was almost sunset, but I need to have a rest, and take in the atmosphere.

"Harry? Is that you?"

Tylas POV

I heard the basement door shut, and then the front door shut loudly. I peeked outside the window, to see the commotion, before I noticed a familiar curly haired figure.


I pulled open my door and ran downstairs, opening the front door. I looked outside and saw him ages away, I won't catch up. Shutting the door, I heard my dad scream my name.

I twisted the key and opened the door, before my dad rammed it open, pushing me out the way making me stumble back.

"WHERE HAS HE GONE?!" He screamed.

"W-what?" I stepped back, slightly frightened.

"Your new 'best friend'. Is he in your bedroom? Have you hidden him?" He opened the closet that we keep our coats and shoes in under the stairs.

He raced up to my room, before he came downstairs.

"Did you plan this for him? I bet you did, I bet you told him to do this!" He shouted. "YOU'RE RUINING MY PLANS!" He shrugged on his coat, before sprinting out the door, obviously to find Harry.

The door slammed shut. "What plans?"


Harry's POV


"Harry? Is that you?" I heard a familiar voice ask. I sat up, pushing myself up and backing up a bit, before my facial features softened.

"Louis?" I stopped. Both lost for words, we ran to each other, and squeezed the life out of each of us.

"Oh my God where have you been?" Louis choked. I didn't answer, I hugged, and hugged, and hugged.

"You don't know how glad I am to see you," I said.

"You haven't answered my question of where have you been?" Louis asked.

"I-I was taken but can we not talk about this I-m not in the mood." I let go of him. "Please can you take my somewhere to hide."

He nodded. Walking over to his car, I sat in the passenger side.

"Niall, Liam and Zayn are at my flat." A huge grin spread across my face. "What were you doing on the floor any how?" He asked.

"I was running and I needed a break." He nodded.

"Lucky I was here other wise you'd have to sleep there all night." He said, I smiled weakly. He reached up and ruffled my hair, a curl falling from the bandana. "Since when did it get this curly?" He chuckled. I shrugged, smiling. We pulled up outside a bunch of apartments, before we climbed up the stairs and into his flat.

"LADS GET IN HERE!" Louis grinned.

3 awfully familiar faces walked into the room, before they paused and stared at me. They looked closely, taking in my facial features before who I can remember perfectly, Niall jumping on me, giving me a hug.

"Haz, oh my god I am so glad to see you, oh my god." He sounded like he was going to cry. I hugged him tight, before Zayn came over to me and hugged me tight. I hugged him tighter.

"Good to see you," He gave me a sweet but cheesy smile before I was attacked into another hug.

"Harold Edward Styles. Where have you been." Liam laughed, clapping my shoulder after we finished hugging.

"I'll tell you this another time, but for now, let's catch up."

I would carry on but my back hurts from this position, haha.

So I was reading through the book and I think the hybrid bit with Louis and Niall is confusing, I mean I'm talking about there that there almost were wolves so I'm gonna change some things around and if you wanna read it, go ahead, if you don't and you don't care about it, I don't mind.

SO, I hope this is longer than usual? I dint know it's hard to tell on ipad I can't see the letters I might go on my laptop for a little.




I can't thank you enough, for 2.k reads. I love you!

Ok, bai;)

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