Chapter 6

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Evening soon dawned on New Jersey and we all met up to go eat dinner. The visit to my old dance school had been amazing, we'd danced with the class and in the end had learned a whole new version to Boy in Love.

Around three in the afternoon, the boys and I went to downtown New Jersey and shopped around there for a bit. It was fun to watch them spend more time on chosing clothing than I did. I'd seen all episodes of the previous episode of Bon Voyage, I knew they all took their time in the bathroom and were all set on their beauty- not that they were vain or something but they just really liked to take care of themselves.

We'd agreed to go to a Korean restaurant around seven in the evening so we still had our time. It had been my choice on where to eat and I had to admit, I missed Korean food a lot. Before I'd left to come to America, I'd been travelling through Thailand to visit an old friend of mine. She'd been an exchange student and I hadn't seen her in a long time so I took advantage of my time off and visited her for a couple of days.

The rest of the group found their way to us, as we arrived in the restaurant first. There was a crew with us and a crew with them, following both of us.

"Hey guys." I said, looking up from my phone.

Jungkook, V and I had been watching a compilation of Vines, silently laughing as to not disturb all the other patrons when the others arrived.

"We already ordered for all of us, I hope you don't mind." V anounced.

Suga raised a brow. "You thought of us?"

"Well..." The two boys trailed off before looking at me.

I winked. "You're welcome."

Jin pointed at me. "See! That's how you're supposed to be. You need to think of your elders before yourself, that's called respect."

Rap Mon agreed. "I like her even better now. I say we keep her. All in favor say 'Ne'."

"Ne." They all chorused.

I smiled. "Moh, oppas! I like being with you guys as well. I will really be saddened when this tour is over."

"We still have Bon Voyage." Jungkook said trying to brighten the conversation but he was also a bit saddened by the news.

"Yeah, and you live around the corner from us. I'm sure we'll see each other again." Suga added.

I smiled and nodded. "Yeah, right. You're totally right. Anyway, it's too early to think about all of that anyway, our trip has just started."

"Mhm." Jin agreed, watching as all the food arrived. "Think about all the memories we'll create now, here."

"You know, I don't know what the future holds- I don't believe in predestination and all that- but I am sure that this trip is something was something I had to do, whether that is faith or something else but this trip with you guys, being with you guys, that's where I belong now."

"I'm hungry." Jin said out of nowhere, making us laugh.

That night, I was texting my parents. While it was my plan to go visit them the next day while the others were rehearsing for their show, it seemed my parents were called out of town for business and my siblings- well, my sisters- were on a vacation.

Seemed as if I had to go with them to the venue, not that I minded. That was extra time I could spend with them.

It was already rather late, nearing two in the morning and I was having a serious case of jetlag but I still couldn't sleep.

So imagine me surprised when all of the sudden, the door to my room opened and Jungkook appeared in front of me. "I'm sorry, I couldn't sleep. I heard you murmuring and was hoping if you wouldn't mind me staying with you for a bit? Hyungs are all sleeping."

I smiled, patting the open space next to me on the bed. "Of course, come sit with me."

He sat down and smiled. "What were you doing?"

"I was texting my parents, they didn't respond though- I'm guessing they fell asleep." I explained.

"So tomorrow, they'll wake up to phones with their feeds full of notifications of your messages." Jungkook guessed.

I shrugged. "Probably. But they're used to that. Because of the time difference it's often hard for us to communicate with each other while we're both awake."

"Do you miss your family? I mean, for us it's already hard to visit them and we live in the same country but you, you live in an entirely different continent. What do you guys do to stay in contact, I can't imagine it being easy." He rambled on.

"Uhm, you're right. It isn't easy, it's never been easy but I've been living in Seoul for over two years now and I think we've managed quite well. You know, it's never been easy and it will never be enough time that we spend together but I think we should be lucky that we live in a time of internet. It's been easy to Skype with them if I was having a hard time. It's always been easy to pick up the phone and call them when the going got though. You know, I also insisted on having a break time the first time I went to meet with my management team. All that makes for a somewhat healthy relationship with my family." I summed up.

He looked at me in awe. "You're family is very important to you, isn't it?"

"It is. Family means everything to me, it's the most important thing in life to me. My family has done so many things for me, I know I'll never be able to repay them but I'm thankful that I have them." I said with tears in my eyes.

He took me in his arms. "Come here, I didn't want you to cry. I'm sorry."

"I'm tired." I admitted.

"Want me to sing you to sleep?" He asked.

I nodded and soon after, the soft sound of Jungkook's voice filled my ears, humming me into a soft sleep.





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