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Octavia sat alone in the cockpit, the lights dimmed and the recording device she'd salvaged from the fight out.
In my 13 years as a pilot, I've learnt a lot. I used to spend my time attacking crime bosses then running away before I could face the consequences. Four years ago, I tried to kill a man called Han Solo, and my path changed. Who knows where I would have ended up if I didn't take that hit. Certainly not here. In the cockpit of our shared ship. We've fought many battles, and maybe one day I will get around to recording all of them down for the enjoyment of others. My name is Octavia, Octavia Kenobi-Nightshade, my friends call me Via, and Solo calls me Princess, though, it's not a compliment, he only does it to annoy me. My cat Thunder, and my droid, Tee, have been with me for all the adventures. Honor. I've learnt honour, patience and courage, I've made friends, I've lost some. No, I've lost many. But I still stand, and I still fight, because-"
"Princess, come on-"
"Shut up Solo."
Because I know, in the end, no matter how scared I get, or how many people sacrificed their lives, I know that I can find honour, patience and courage in my friends, I don't work alone anymore, I'm part of a team, part of something bigger, and I have the people I love surrounding me daily.

She walked down to the main area of the Millennium Falcon, tracing her fingers along the walls and smiling wistfully. Luke and Leia were discussing strategies to help round up the rouge stormtroopers and other imperial fighters. Chewie, with Thunder curled up on his lap and Rusty  next to him, were playing chess. Threepio and Artoo were nowhere to be  seen, but they were safe, she could feel it.

I may not have parents, but neither does Luke, Leia or Han. I may not have parents, but that doesn't mean I don't have family.

"Via, come join me." Han said, from his position on one of the comfortable looking couches. She sat down next to him, smile on her face and he pulled her close with an arm wrapped around her shoulders. Octavia pushed a long strand of her hair out of her face, and leant on Han's shoulder. She was happy. She was happy.

I will never abandon my family, I will always stand with my family. And I guess... I guess this is General Octavia Nightshade-Kenobi, signing off.


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