Fifth Avenue

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Noah Mead was bored. It was as simple as that. The whole night had been a whirlwind but just when he was so close to being part of unveiling and catching the criminal, Noah was told to sit back and relax.

Honestly, it wasn't fair to Noah. He had helped the police and sincerely hoped that he was going be able to catch the killer.

But here he was sitting in the police station doing absolutely nothing.

Noah still believed that Elle had something to do with the murders. He saw her with his very own eyes confessing to the killings. But how was he it prove it now that the camera had blank footage.?

Immediately Noah approached Melanie's laptop and began looking for CCTV footage that was placed around the entire police station. With a few clicks Noah retraced Elle's Steps from the staring to the ending of the day. What he found was shocking. Elle had been in the police station the entire day, without leaving once. The entire footage consisted of her in the lab examining bodies and filling up forms. To confirm he even checked the time of the murders and the time that Elle was in the police station. Elle was at the police station during all the times of the murders which ruled her out as a killer.

Noah was perplexed. What did he see in the corridor then. Was it a fragment of his imagination.
Eventually he gave up and decided to focus on something else.

He walked towards John Rell's office desk where he found the pages that had the names of the victims. He clasped the papers and began to stare at them. With every name he read he felt a sense of dread. Each of these people died.. But why?

Something deep down under didn't seem right. The killer gave away exactly where he or she would commit their last crime making it so obvious for the police officers. But it didn't seem right. Why did the killer make it so easy for the officers. Did the killer really want to be found? Or was the clue interpreted in the wrong way?

Drumming his fingers, Noah remembered what he had read in countless murder mysteries. There are two types of murders- the first being psychotic murders, killing people in a random order and the second being a very important and well thought killing spree, killing people for revenge etc.

Noah looked back at the victim list. Each of the victims were from RippleMount High which means that the killer was targeting students from the school. But the killer only targeted certain students. The question was why.

Noah felt frustrated. Maybe he was thinking to deep into this. Maybe he just wanted to occupy himself for a while.

Resigning, Noah was about to put the list down when a name caught his eye.


Alex Shelton
Blake Foster
Daphne Renold
Anaya Shutter
Mark McNamara
Emereld Oliver
Dominic Clark
Albert Rose
Katherine Tudor
Will Spark

Tyler Krisp
Kyle Tesmont
James Rider
Christopher Lark
Ronald Sorm
Daniel Marn
Anthony Hal
Colton Sam
Karen Brock
Barbara Pecker
Malia Ian
Shelly Cooper
Arden Nes
Kira Yute
Allison Roth
Julia Sullivan
Sabina Mitchell
Carly Shay
Spencer Monte
Primrose Anderson

Victoria Grute
Pamela Anderson
Sheen Sherwood
Joey Freeman
Michael Williams

The name Emereld Oliver. It was the full name of Eme, Less's best friend. A chill went down Noah's spine as the fact dawned upon him. He hoped and wished that his suspicion was incorrect when another horrible thought filled his mind.

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