Chapter 2: One Year Later

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We had only been back at Hogwarts a couple of weeks, but everyone had already fallen in their normal rhythms. It was such a relief to not have James around. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my brother, but he was such a pain in my ass. The past year he had put a hold on my social activities. I’d had to keep my boyfriend a secret from him for a long time, but eventually he overheard some of our cousins talking about it.

After the party at the beginning of last year I had begun dating Peter Dunham. He was one year older than me and in Ravenclaw, and despite Albus’s many jokes, Peter and I were about to celebrate our first anniversary. We still hadn’t slept together though, it was kinda difficult when both of us shared a room with four other people and we couldn’t spend time together during vacations. We did have two weeks together over the summer, but both of those weeks were with my family, and when I say family, I’m talking the whole family, cousins and all. Potters and Weasleys all together.

We were all gathered for the wedding of Teddy Lupin and Victoire Weasley. They had been together seven years, and finally they got married. My dad cried at the ceremony, mostly because he knew Teddy’s parents and it was just really moving for him, to see his godson be so happy. I had brought Peter along as my date for the wedding, and he stayed for the two weeks we were at the burrow. Every little family stayed in their own magical tents. And ours were built so we each had our own closed space. Mom and dad didn’t want me and Peter in the same ‘room’ at night though, so we slept apart. Again making it difficult to actually sleep together, if you know what I mean.

I wasn’t really friends with Scorpius, it had been pretty hard to look him in the eyes after he told how I had all but jumped him in my ‘drunk-off-my-ass’-state at the party. I had been so embarrassed. Peter didn’t know about my assaulting Scorpius the same night as he and I kissed the same time, and he wasn’t about to learn, so I figured it would be best to just cut Scorpius out of my life for good. I’d rather be Peter’s girlfriend than Scorpius’s friend any day. 

“Get up!” the guys in Peter’s room yelled, waking both me and Peter up early a sunday morning. I always wore PJ’s to bed whenever I slept in Peter’s bed, and it wasn’t a big deal anymore, because I knew all of the guys so well. I had told Peter he could say we were having sex, if he wanted to, but apparently he hadn’t said anything. Because they kept teasing him about not getting any.

It wasn’t that we didn’t want to. I knew he did, and I did too. We just didn’t know when or where. I felt weird being a virgin when I was almost sixteen. Peter and I had talked about it several times. He wouldn’t turn seventeen until Christmas, so for a few months we would be the same age, but nonetheless, I knew he wasn’t a virgin. He’d had a girlfriend before me, to whom he’d lost his innocence. 

A bucket of cold water was thrown at us, making us jump out of the soaked bed faster than you could say quidditch. 

“What the hell, guys?” Peter complained, grabbing his wand by the nightstand, first drying me off and then himself. Water and a white t-shirt wasn’t really a good match, and Peter seemed to be the first to notice.

“We wanted to start your day of in a good way! We know what day it is,” a guy names Oliver said and winked at us.

“Our anniversary isn’t until next week,” I sighed, shaking my head at the boys as I put my hair up in a ponytail.

“We know, but today marks the anniversary of the first night you two hooked up! Don’t think we didn’t all notice you sneaking out, missy.” Oliver kept talking.

“Ah, jeez. You keep better track of my life than I do!” I exclaimed, “I gotta go change. I’ll see you later.” I said giving my boyfriend a quick kiss, before leaving their dormitory and going to my own. It didn’t surprise me that all the girls were still asleep, anything else would’ve been weird at 8 o’clock on a sunday morning. After a quick change of clothes I headed down to the Great Hall for breakfast. Peter and his friends were already down there at the Ravenclaw table, but I went to the Hufflepuff table instead where my cousin Roxy Weasley sat, deeply engaged in a book. She didn’t even look up when I sat down across from her.

“Did you seal the deal yet?” she said from behind the book. I poured myself a huge cup of coffee, yes, I might’ve been slightly addicted to caffeine. 

“No. Rox, you know better than anyone how difficult it is to do it at school.” I said with a sigh.

“And yet, I’ve managed to sleep with a few guys the past year.” She commented as if it was nothing special. 

“You’re a slut.” I sipped my coffee, “I’m thinking about bringing Peter to the R-room on saturday, and do it then.” Saturday was my sixteenth birthday and also our anniversary. If I took Peter to the Room of Requirements, I could wish it to be a special place just for the two of us so no one else could enter.

Roxy slammed her book shut and looked at me eagerly, “Really?” she all but shouted. I noticed Peter looking at us with a curious look on his face, I just sent him a smile and diverted my eyes to Roxy again.

“Yeah, I think it’s time. He’s been so patient.” I said.

“Don’t just do it for him, though. Are you sure that’s what you want too? Lil, don’t get mad, I’m just looking out for you.”

“Don’t worry, I’m sure. I,” I was interrupted.

“Lily Luna! Come here, right now!” I grimaced before I looked at the very angry Albus Potter who stood drenched in bright purple paint in the entrance the Great Hall. Roxy gave me a high-five before I had to go face my fuming brother.

“Why on earth did you do this, Lily?” he shouted.

“Well, you had to match.” I tried holding back my laughter, unlike the other people in the Great Hall, who were laughing out loud at the sight of my older brother dripping with paint.

“I had to match? What did I have to match?” he asked, his voice thick with anger.

“Not what… whom.” Roxy peeped from behind me.

“ROXANNE!” we heard from outside in the hall. Albus turned around just in time to see Rose dripping with a fluorescent pink. Roxy and I got out the little bags we had been hiding in our pockets and emptied the contents in our hands.

“You had to match each other,” I said happily, and when the two paint-soaked cousins turned to face us again, Roxy and I both threw a handful of glitter on them before running off.

It might sound like a completely stupid prank, but this was what we did in our free time. Roxy and I had snuck into Albus’s and Rose’s rooms and hexed their pillows with a time sensitive spell, so they would blow up with colorful paint around 8:30. The glitter was just for the fun of it.

Why did we do this? It was a running fight between Albus and Rose and Roxy and I. They had hexed our shoes last week, making it impossible for us to put them on, because they were trying to eat our feet. I’m not talking one pair, no, they hexed every single pair of shoes Roxy and I owned. 

“Holy… Look where you’re going!” I yelled as I ran into a bloke, I knew it was technically my fault, but in that moment I really didn’t care.

“Look where you’regoing,” I recognized his voice immediately, and as I looked up into his grey eyes, the memory of that party flooded back to me, “Hey Red.” He smirked.

“Uh, hi.” I flushed a color that easily matched my hair color. For a while after the party the previous year, I couldn’t remember a thing, but slowly it all came back to me. And as soon as I remembered kissing Scorpius, I did anything to avoid him. Because I didn’t just kiss him. Oh no, that would have been easy to forget. No, I danced with him first, grinding against him, before I kissed him and the whole thing turned into a make-out session. It was  hot and heavy, like my legs wrapped around his waist, and my back against a wall, hot. And the thing is, that even after dating Peter a year, nothing we had done had made me forget that night with Scorpius. That was also one of the reasons I wanted to sleep with Peter. Maybe that could make me forget Scorpius.

“Long time, no,” he began but I wouldn’t let him finish.

“Yeah, well, I gotta go. Bye!” I said quickly before running off after Roxy. Damn it, even after so long, how could he make me blush like that. I had barely said one word to him since the morning after. I mentally scolded myself for thinking of that night. I was with Peter now, and I loved him. Right?

Young and Wild: A Lily/Scorpius love story [HP second generation fanfic] [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now