Chapter 4

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I hadn’t told Roxy what had happened with Peter, and she didn’t ask. She just accepted the fact that I was in the mood to drink my sorrows away. Apparently Roxy hadn’t been supposed to tell me about the party, as it was a surprise party for me, but as usual she couldn’t keep her mouth shut. So when we entered the R-room, I tried my best at pretending to be surprised.

“You told her, didn’t you?” asked Albus after giving me a hug. Roxy just shrugged, as if she couldn’t be blamed for not keeping the party a secret.

“Where’s Peter?” I remembered my brother didn’t know yet, so I cleared the whole thing up for him.

“We broke up,” I sighed.

“Oh, I’m sorry, Lil. But, why? I thought you loved the kid?”

“I did… I do. But, he didn’t love me back.”

“I never liked the kid anyway.” Albus said and I stifled a laugh. I knew Albus didn’t particularly love Peter, but they had been friends. But I knew that the second Albus heard the real reason behind the break-up, he would not only not like Peter. No, Albus would hate Peter with a burning passion.

“You haven’t talked to Scorpius tonight, have you?” I asked.

“I don’t talk to Scorpius that often. And you shouldn’t either. You know what mom and dad think about that family.” Albus replied, his tone way more serious than it had been previously.

“Mom and dad’s opinions are biased, they haven’t talked to the Malfoy’s since the left school. And, Scorpius isn’t bad. He’s…” I trailed off, thinking of a word to describe the blonde guy who had infiltrated my mind so long ago. I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about him the past two weeks. Ever since I ran into him in the hallway, he had taken up a permanent space in my brain, making sure no matter what I did, I was thinking about him. “Never mind,” I finally said. Albus rolled his eyes before going off into the crowd, probably looking for Rose.

“Birthday shot for the birthday girl!” Roxy shouted as she ran towards me with the two biggest shot glasses I had ever seen. “Firewhiskey,” she explained as she handed one of the glasses to me. I smiled and we each took the shots. The familiar sensation of the burning liquid spread through my throat and into my stomach. We went straight to the drinks’ table, and I poured myself another shot, and another, and another, and another. The alcohol put a damper on my brain, and slowly all thoughts of Peter evaporated. I danced with Hugo and Roxy, carefree and happy. Around midnight I made byway to the alcohol again, and just as I was about to pour myself a shot, someone walked up behind me, and put both hands on my arms, stopping me from getting the alcohol.

“I’m cutting you off,” his voice sent shivers down my spine in delight and I turned around in his arms to look into the grey pools he had for eyes.

“Why do you care? I seem to remember you calling me a fun drunk?” I slurred as I put both hands on his chest.

“And I seem to recall telling you I don’t wanna be somebody’s rebound guy.” He sighed, removing my hands with his own.

“Why do you do this to  me?” I whispered while snaking my arms around his neck.

“Do what?”

“You’re so sweet to me, you flirt with me, you tell me you like me, and then you tell me you don’t wanna be together.”

“You’re hurting Lily. I’m not going to take advantage of you when you’re upset,”

“Why not? I want you too…” I slurred, my words all jumbled up. Scorpius sighed, but before he had a chance to talk, I pulled his face to mine in a kiss. His breath tasted clean, like spearmint toothpaste, and I wondered why. I had expected to be able to taste alcohol, but the realization of the situation suddenly hit me. The party had just started two hours ago, and I was probably the only person in the room drunk-off-her-ass. And it was only to relieve the pain Peter had brought on me. I broke away from the kiss and immediately buried my face in my hands, hiding my tears from Scorpius.

Young and Wild: A Lily/Scorpius love story [HP second generation fanfic] [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now