Chapter 5

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I didn’t know what I had expected. Maybe that mom would show up in Hogsmeade, ready to listen and comfort me, maybe that she’d even come by Hogwarts. I had at least expected some sort of response from her, but nothing came. Apparently I wasn’t as important as James, whom had begun working at the Ministry of Magic with dad and uncle Ron. The only reason I knew this was because the rest of our family talked about it. I heard about it from Hugo. My family was so dysfunctional. 

Two weeks had passed since I’d sent the letter, but I hadn’t gotten any form of response of her. If my owl hadn’t returned to me, I wouldn’t have known if she’d even received my letter. It had also been two weeks since Peter’s and my break-up, Scorpius had been very friendly towards me in those two weeks, we’d spent a lot of time together, he kept making sure I was okay. People had begun asking if there was anything going on between us, and even though I would’ve loved to say yes, I had to say no. I had started to think he wasn’t even interested in me anymore. I was so deep into the friend zone, I didn’t think I’d ever get out.

And that really was a problem since I needed to date him to get my parents’ attention.

“You know…” I began one day as we sat by the lake. Scorpius sat leaning his back against a tree, reading a book and I lay on my back with my head on his lap, soaking up the rare light of the october sun. “I’m not sad anymore.” My eyes were closed so I couldn’t see his face, but I felt him shift slightly and heard his chuckle.

“That’s good. But why’re you telling me this?” he wondered out loud, turning a page. I opened my eyes and rolled onto my stomach, supporting my face in my hands, elbows bent on the ground.

“Well, you told me you didn’t want to be a rebound guy. But you won’t be. I don’t need a rebound guy. I’m over Peter now.” Scorpius closed his book and sighed before his eyes focused on me.

“Lily… don’t go there.” His smile had disappeared and his tone of voice changed suddenly.

“Why not? Scorpius… I,”

“I said, don’t go there!” He interrupted me harshly, “It wouldn’t work. I’m not good for you.” I burst out laughing from this. Never had I heard anything funnier.

“Bull…” I said as I sat up and crossed my legs, Scorpius gave me a curious look, “You’re not good for me? You’re the best I could ever get. Haven’t you seen how you’ve affected me lately? I wouldn’t have been able to get through my break-up without you, you’ve been my rock throughout this whole thing. You…”

“Stop it Lil. There’s a lot you don’t know about me and my family. We’re the Malfoys. We’re lucky we weren’t shunned from the wizard society after the War.”

“But I like you. I couldn’t care less about your family’s reputation. I. Like. You. Scorpius.”  I pushed myself up so I sat on my bent knees, so our eyes were on the same level. It had been a small lie about not caring about his family’s reputation. I did care, it was because they had this reputation that me dating him would be scandalous enough to get my parents’ attention. It wasn’t a lie about liking him though. I really did like him. He was sweet, funny and very attractive.

“It wouldn’t work. Don’t you know how much people would talk? A Potter and a Malfoy,” He chuckled as if the idea itself was completely ridiculous.

“Since when have you cared about people talking?” I exclaimed. Scorpius rolled his eyes and put his book down on the ground. I opened my mouth to say something outrageous to him, but before I got a word out, he had his hand on the back of my neck, pulling me towards him.

It was the first time we kissed with me sober, and I could immediately say that I didn’t want it to be the last time. Without pulling away I scooted closer to him. Scorpius was a very gentle kisser, his hand kept my face in place as he carefully ran his tongue across my lower lip. With a sigh of relief I opened my mouth slightly and his tongue met mine. His breath tasted like coffee and I smiled against his mouth. For a while we sat there under the tree kissing, but then someone whistled at us and we both began laughing.

“See, was that so horrible? Do you really care about people talking about us?” I asked as I leaned over to kiss the tip of his nose. I hoped he didn’t care. But all I wanted was for people to care, I wanted people to talk about the famous Harry Potter’s only daughter dating a former deatheater’s son. I wanted people to be shocked and I wanted my parents to hear about it from someone other than me.

Scorpius sighed and, surprising me, he took my hand lacing his fingers through mine. “No. But… I’m still not sure you’re emotionally ready for another relationship. I don’t want to…”

“LILY LUNA POTTER!” My eyes widened at the sound of that voice. I looked up from Scorpius and saw my mother storming towards us. Scorpius immediately let go of my hand and shot up from his otherwise comfortable position on the ground. I was a little slower in my getting up.

“What are you doing with him?” Ginny Potter sneered when she reached us. She sent Scorpius a menacing look. She still hadn’t forgiven his father for torturing my father throughout their years at Hogwarts.

“Nothing, Mrs. Potter. We were only talking.” Scorpius said hastily, “I better go. I’ll see you around Lily.” He grabbed his book off the ground and hurried off back to school.

“Mom, chill. Scorpius and I are friends.” I scowled, “And since when is it okay for you to be mad at me? I’m the one who should be mad at you! I wrote to you two weeks ago! And I got no form of reply!” I teared up as my voice rose to an angry yell.

Ginny’s eyes watered as well, “It wasn’t my fault. Lil, something happened…” she choked up and couldn’t continue. My anger faded immediately and in a flash I had grabbed her hands.

“What happened mom?” I whispered.

“It’s your grandma,” she sobbed, and my blood froze in my veins, “She was hospitalized at St. Mungo’s last week, and she’s still not out. They don’t know what’s wrong with her. She’s in a coma.”

I couldn’t believe it, Molly Weasley, the most amazing grandmother on the planet, was sick.

“I told the others I’d come here to tell all of you. It wasn’t something to tell you in a letter. I needed to come by and talk to you too. Honey, I’m so sorry Peter broke up with you. You should know I’m always here for you.” Ginny said. “We should find your brother and your cousins. There’s a port key in Flitwick’s office. Can you gather them and lead them to Flitwick’s office? I need to find Hagrid and tell him. I’ll see you in fifteen minutes! Don’t tell them anything!” Ginny kissed my forehead before running off to Hagrid’s house. In seconds I had gathered my books from the ground and was running towards the school. I found Rose first and told her to find Albus and get him to Flitwick’s office immediately. At first she didn’t want to, because she thought it was part of a prank, but I told her my mom was at the school and had something important to tell us. I think the tears in my eyes helped convince Rose that I wasn’t joking. She ran off instantly. Hugo and Roxy sat together in the Ravenclaw tower and I told them to come with me. They threw everything they had and we all ran off.

After McGonagall retired, Flitwick became headmaster. He had been Deputy Headmaster while McGonagall was still here. He still taught charms, but he was just also Headmaster of Hogwarts. When we reached Flitwick’s office, Rose and Albus was already waiting for us.

“What’s going on, Lil? Rose said you were freaking out!” Albus said, but I couldn’t talk I just bursted out crying. Albus grabbed my arm and pulled my close to him in a hug. “Hey, hey. It’s okay Lily. What’s going on?”

“Your grandma is at St. Mungo’s right now.” Ginny’s stern voice came from down the hall. She walked straight to the gargoyle that was guarding Flitwick’s office and said the password, which mostly sounded like gibberish. “We need to get going. The port key will take us to the alley behind the hospital. Everybody grab on.”

“But our teachers need to know we’re leaving.” Rose said.

“They do, I went to speak to Flitwick before finding Lily.” We all shared a look before all grabbing the rusty bucket that stood on the table. Before we all left I caught the eyes of the paintings of the old Headmasters Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape and I looked over at my brother whom was named after both of them. He smiled at me and then nodded at the paintings of his namesakes, before we were all pulled away from the office by the port key. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2014 ⏰

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Young and Wild: A Lily/Scorpius love story [HP second generation fanfic] [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now