Shes not your ordinary kid

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Dean pov

Bobby takes one look at her and his eyes widden 'what did he know that we dont?'  He looks at me then back at sam "where the hell did you find her?" He says looking at me intensly "dean saves her..." "From what?!" Bobby says "well from a fire and then him" i say pointing at cas dead body "oh my god.." Bobby says shocked, kate scooches off the bed and walks over to bobby sam and me raise a brow wondering why she went over, she started jumping up and down doing baby talk "bobby do you know her?" I say "yea your dad had her before you where born dean..." "WHAT?!" I say shocked "yea he was pretty young before your mother came he was with someone else...she ended up having her but john went missing after the birth.." Me and sam where shocked "so what your saying is-" "we have a baby sister?!?!" Sam says "yes and i think i know why cas was here..." Bobby says looking down at his body "why?" I say tilting my head "well sam your not the only one with different blood" sam gives bobby that wait what?! Look 

"Boys your kate here...has arch angle blood..."


???? Pov 

"Bring him back then!!! We need that girl!!" "Im sorry but i cant!!!" I growl "do it or your little son here gets it" i say pulling out my blade and putting it against his sons neck "....fine" he says "good" i put the kid down and he starts bringing him back "oh and make him a demon/angel this time, i need him to not fail me.." I say looking back "yes sir!" I walk out of the room and check on my other minion "oh~ what a sight.." I see my other minion...

"Good bobby...go in for the kill...".

Deans pov

"Dean we need to go!" He says putting on his jacket "sam what about-" "bobbys gonna watch her dont worry!" Sam says "ok fine..." I say pouting "dean...are you worried about her?" He says with a smirk "n-no!" I say "dean i can tell your lying, ive never seen you look this worried" "alright would you quit?? I am a little worried sam" "why? She will be fine" "i know but now we got big problems shes half arch angel and waht shes only like 1?" I sigh looking at the steering wheel "listen sam?" He looks over "yea?" I sigh ready to confess "i feel like her father...her protector, from the first day i rescued her i felt like she was my responsibility.." Sam smiles and hugs me "dont worry we will get this case done and when we do we will have some time with her...ok?" He says i nod and start the engine driving off..

Kates pov

I walked around the room looking for dea- i mean daddy i chose to call him that myself cuz i think thats what happens?? I dunno but i couldnt find him or uncie sam, i turn a corner and all the sudden bobby pops out but...he has black eyes just like the men that tried to hurt me from before had!! "Come on lets go have FUN" he says i panic and run DADDY WHERE ARE YOU?!

A/N how was it? Heheheheh i know everyones gonna hate me for well making bobby a demon and umm killing cas....anyways ill see you in the next chapter bye!!!

My daddy, Dean WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now