Chapter 2: Its actually happening...

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Hey there. Ok well this is chapter 2, obviously, but I wanted to continue right away. I hope you guys have liked it so far. I also want to say forgive me for my terrible typing. I suck at it I know. Though I'll try to make sure that there are less mistakes on this part.

(Kagome POV)

      It was starting to get late. My eyes were half open. Inuyasha must've saw me cause he began to carry me on his back, "Guess we should get home. You look really tired." I nodded and grabbed on tightly to him. I knew that tonight was going to be a night that I'll never forget. It made me really nervous, I almost wanted to back out but at the same time I didn't want to.

       We finally arrived. He sat me down, which made my cheeks start to turn red. Inuyasha sat down besides me, "You sure about this?"He asked blushing a bit. I nodded and lean against him, "Inuyasha I love you." I said as I leaned in to kiss him. He kissed me and slowely started to untie my kimono. I followed suit. It just came to me naturally, though my hands were shaking a bit.

Inuyasha was gentle though. He didn't force himself on me and we took it slow.

~hours later~

(Inuyasha POV)

        Kagome and I were both panting breathlessly, our sweaty bodies pressed against each other. I looked at her, her red cheeks, her chocolate brown eyes that had tears in them. She gave me a smile before resting against me. "You should get some rest now." I said softly.

         We woke up late, but it was fine. I saw her sit up, "Hey." I said drowsily, my body felt exhausted.

She smiled at me, "Hey. Ima get changed and start making breakfast. You should rest a bit longer."

I nodded and layed back down. Not even a minute had passed by when I sprang up cause I heard a yelp from Kagome, "Whats wrong, you ok?!?" She looked back at me with an embarrassed smile, "My lower back hurts."

I blushed, remembering everything more clearly from last night. Remembering Kagome like that, the noises she made. I immediately shook my head.

      I got out of bed to help her out so we could eat. I finished eating quickly as I normally did. Kagome finished up quickly too, we are a lot. After everything we did end up pretty hungry.

~3 weeks later~

(Kagome POV)

         I ran outside behind some bushes. I kept on vomiting for some reason. I heard someone coming and when I looked up it was Inuyasha. He rubbed my back, "I can't see you like this anymore. I'm taking you to Kaede's."

I sat up straight, "Im fine though-" It was pointless to continue, Inuyasha had already started picking me up.

          I layed down on Kaede's makeshift bed as Inuyasha explained to her all my symptoms. Kaede wondered then she looked at me, "Kagome, will ye open your shirt for a quick second?" I nodded in confusion. She started rubbing her hand around my stomach and poked in some certain spots. In one spot she rubbed around. That areas felt weird for some odd reason.

"Hey stop doing that. You're hurting her." Inuyasha yelled.

Kaede closed up my kimono. and looked at both of us, "I've come to a conclusion that....Kagome is going to beer ye's child." We both looked at her in shock.


Well I hoped you like this chapter. I know there small chapters but I plan to continue making more faster.

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