Chapter 34: SURPRISE!

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Hey guys! I hope you all are doing well and staying safe! I know this is a rough time for all of you, but hang in there. 

I've noticed many of you voting on this story recently, thank you all so much, it really means a lot to me! 

Stay strong everyone! I love you all so much!  

Enjoy! ❤️ 


(Inuyasha POV)

"Happy birthday to Ame!" Everyone sang in unison as Ame did his best to blow out the two birthday candles. With much effort and some spit, the candles went out. 

Everyone clapped, "Wow, two years old. He sure has gotten big." MIroku stated as he watched Ame walk towards all the other kids. 

I chuckled and handed him a cup of sake, "I know right."

Kagome handed out pieces of cake to all the kids, then looked towards us, "Would you guys like some food to go along with that?" I nodded. 

Sango got up, "Let me help you Kagome." They both served us some sweet dumplings before joining us. 

"Kagome? You're not going to eat?" Sango asked, offering a plate of dumplings. 

Kagome shook her head, "No, please help yourselves. I've had an upset stomach all day today." 

Miroku lifted the bottle of sake, "Maybe some alcohol will get your appetite up."

I shoved his shoulder, "You idiot." 

Kagome giggled and thanked him for his offer, "Actually that might not be too healthy." 

Everyone stared at Kagome, giving her confused looks. I took a sip of my sake, "Kagome's pregnant." 

Sango shrieked and grabbed Kagome's hand, "Really! Oh my goodness! I'm so happy for you." 

Shippo hugged Kagome, "Finally!"

Kagome blushed softly and smiled, "Thank you Sango, Shippo!" 

I smiled at them before feeling something heavy around me. Miroku had wrapped his arm over my shoulder, "Well well well, once you get a taste of it, you just couldn't hold back could you." 

I pushed him off, "Keh! Shut up. That's none of your business." 

Sango turned to me, "Kagome is just too hot for you to only have once." She teased along with her husband. "Our Inuyasha isn't so little anymore!" Shippo jumped along. I growled at them. 

Sango continued, "All jokes aside, congratulations to you both. Actually...I was worried that you both wouldn't want to have kids after what happened. I wanted you both to continue, not to be afraid of what happened in the past."

Miroku followed on, "Not to mention that Kagome's pregnancy wasn't easy either." Sango nodded in agreement. 

Kagome lowered her head and smiled, "Actually we've had many more intimate moments a while back but never intentionally tried to get pregnant. You're right, I was a little hesitant to try for another baby again, but I don't want Ame to be lonely either." 

"Kagome is strong, this time will be different and...I'm here to look after and protect my family." I said, straightforwardly. 

Sango smiled at me, proudly. Miroku raised his cup of Sake, "To Kagome, her pregnancy and for Inuyasha to keep it in his pants!" Everyone laughed and raised their cup of drinks. 

Everyone went back home pretty late. I joined Kagome in bed after putting Ame to sleep. She smiled warmly at me and welcomed me with open arms. I took in the scent of her hair and closed my eyes. 

~Next Day~

Keade was looking over Kagome, "Seems that ye are about 6 weeks along."

"How exciting!" Rin exclaimed as she washed some vegetables .

Kagome smiled before wrapping her kimono back around herself. I stared, lost in thought. "Inuyasha." Keade called out to me. I looked up at her, about to respond but she continued on, "Kagome will be fine. We'll look at her more often than usual, for now she should start resting more often. Once she's about half way through her pregnancy, she should stop doing her chores all completely and walk around less. Just to be cautious." 

I listened carefully and nodded, lowering my head. 

(Kagome POV)

I walked over to Inuyasha and grabbed his hand, "Don't be afraid Inuyasha. Everything will be fine this time." He smiled back at me. 

I knew he was scared, I felt the fear run throughout my body, but I don't want this to be a bad thing. Ame will have a younger sibling and our family will keep growing. I just know it. I turned to Kaede and thanked her. We said our goodbyes before making her way out.

I took hold of Inuyasha's hand as Ame walked ahead of us. "I'll do my best. I wont over work myself." I said, hoping it would reassure Inuyasha. 

He turned to me and smiled, "You'll do great. I'll work hard for all of us." 

I took hold of his arm as we continued walking. 



I know this chapter is a little short, sorry. I hope you guys enjoyed and are excited for the new edition. 

PLEASE stay safe! If you're not on lockdown, then only go out if completely necessary. Wear gloves and a face mask. I know it's not as helpful but just as a precaution. Take off your shoes before walking into your house and clean the bottom with alcohol or bleach. If you bring in groceries, packages, mail, etc, try not to place them on the tables for too long. Always wash your hands!


Love you guys!

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