Chapter 31: Delivering Her Last Wish

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A/N: Hey guys! Here's another chapter. I wish I had the time to post weekly but better late then never. 

Hope you all enjoy and like always dont forget to VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW, and SHARE with friends! 

Have a good day! Love you!


(Woman's POV)

"Izumi, you must keep living. Don't worry about us, I'll be with the kids. " 

I grunted and slowly opened my eyes. The ground was moving, I'm being carried. Last thing I remember, the village was on fire and then someone appeared. My eyes widened as I jerked up, looking at the demon that was carrying me on his back. He turned his head to look at me. "Oh you're finally awake-"

I shrieked and squirmed myself off his back, only to fall on to the floor. "Hey! Relax!" The demon stepped closer. 

I flinched, "N-No! Stay back! Please don't eat me!" I raised an arm to shield my face. 

(Inuyasha POV)

I sighed, "Listen! You should show some gratitude! I saved you from being abandoned." 

"I didn't ask for your help! I would never accept the help of a demon!" She lowered her head, "It's because of you demons that..." She mumbled. 

"Well if you don't need my help, then you don't need the villagers help either. So if you don't mind, I have some bread to deliver." I said, picking up the basket of bread and began walking away. My ears twitched as I heard the woman behind me shuffle to stand up. "W-Wait! What village? Is it around here?" She asked.

I continued walking, "If you wanna go then just follow me." To my surprise, I heard her footsteps behind mine. 

"So what kind of demon are you? I've never heard of a demon delivering bread." She looked over my arm.

"Well to begin, I'm not a demon, I'm a half demon. Second of all, it's non of your concern as to why I'm delivering bread." I frowned and raised my head up high. "Anyways, my name is Inuyasha."

(Woman's POV) 

"Inuyasha?" I know I've heard that name somewhere before. "Oh well my name is Izumi." The half-demon kept walking in silence. A half demon. Delivering bread. How funny. Delivering it to a human village no less. "Um, we are going to a human village right?"

He raised a brow at me, "Yeah, what other kind of village would I be delivering bread to? Anyways, I would like to go home before dark. So get on my back so we can hurry there." He squat down. I hesitantly climbed on and within seconds we were dashing through the trees. 

"Why are you in such a rush? Do you have a record for being the fast bread deliverer?" I giggled.

He growled, "Yeah as if. I have a wife and a cub to get home to. She'll get worried if I'm not home by nightfall." 

My eyes widened as I looked down at his face, a small smile crept at the corner of his lip. "You have a kid. I'm surprised. What kind of demon are you and your wife?" 

"Huh? My wife is no demon, she's a priestess." He said, jumping from branch to branch. A half-demon with a human wife. Interesting. It must be nice, I should get back to my family too. 

"Inuyasha, if it's not too much trouble, I have a request. I have a husband and two kids waiting for me. Please, take me to them." The half-demon jerked into a harsh stop, almost flinging me over. 

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