Chapter 3: Sinking it in

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Hey im back.

Anything that the characters say in there heads will be in this form.



Kagome hasnt been feeling well so Inuyasha brought her to Kaede's, only to get the news that Kagome's pregnant.

(Kagome's POV)

I sat there stunned, then I smiled and rapped my arms around my abdomen. I'm going to have Inuyasha's baby! We're going to start our own family! Iuyasha saw me and he fell to his knees next to me and hugged me. "Im going to be a dad..." he whispered in my ears. I hugged back and nodded.

(Inuyasha POV)

We stayed at Kaede's house for the rest of the day. Sango and Miroku had come over too. I looked at Kagome, who's head was starting to dangle, "Well I should go back. Someone's a bit tired here." I pointed at her. They all laughed and said there goodbyes.

I picked up Kagome bridal style and walked her home. I layed her down on our makeshift bed and put the covers over her. She woke up and looked at me, "Oh...we're back home.." I nodded, "Yeah get some sleep, ok?" She nodded and fell alseep. I layed down next to her and put my hand over her abdomen.

(Kagome's POV)

I was dreaming. I was in a dark room...or a cave. I was pregnant and I wasnt that far from my due date. All of a sudden chains started flying from deep inside the cave and hung my up against a wall. I heard an evil laugh, but I didnt recognize it. Thats when a whole bunch of demoms started to attack me and started biting my arms and legs. The only thing I could do was yell from pain and horror as blood began pouring out of me. I hadnt realized that a demon was coming straight for my abdomen until it was right in plain sight infront of me. I tried to pretect my abdomen but the other demons wouldnt let me. It's fangs pierced through my stomach and I already knew that the baby died. I screamed in pain and anger.

Thats when I started to wake up, tears and sweat were on my face. Inuyasha was rubbing my back trying to calm me down, "Hey, you ok?" I looked at him and shoved my face in his robe and began to cry really hard. "It was just a bad dream. Its alright." He hugged me. I calmed down and basically cried myself back to sleep.

I was woken up by the smell of fried fish. When I sat up I saw Inuyasha getting a head start on breakfast. I smiled at him and he smiled back, "Hey how'da sleep last night. You really gave me a scare." I had a crooked smile on, "Oh I'm sorry. It was just a bad dream is all." He chuckled as he teased me.

(Inuyasha POV)

I finished making breakfast and I handed a bowl to Kagome. It was quite for a bit till kagome broke the silence, "Sango and Miroku wanted to throw a party in their house to congratulate us on the news of our baby."

I blinked at her, "Oh yeah..I forgot about that." I said with a mouthful. We finished eating and Kagome went out to clean the dishes.

It's hard to sink in the thought that my mate, kagome, is carrying our baby inside of her. What I heard from Miroku, this is the most hardest and painful thing a woman can go through. I dont want to see her suffer. Maybe I should go check on her.

As I walked out of my house and headed towards the river, I heard Kagome yell. That made me take off in full speed. When I got to the river Kagome was inside it. She looked at me and slightly smiled, "I slipped in..."

I sighed, "You're so clumsy." I picked her up, "Be careful next time." She nodded amd picked up the bowls that she managed to save from getting carried away down the stream.

(Kagome's POV)

It was finally time to go to the party. I changed into a fresh priestess kimono so that my other one could dry. Inuyasha carried me on his back, and I enjoyed every second cause I knew he soon wouldnt be able to carry me like this. We went inside and Sango's five kids were there playing with Shippo. We came in and ate, talked, and just enjoyed ourselves. Inuyasha decided we head back early so that I can get my fair amount of rest.

(Inuyasha POV)

When we got there, Kagome knew the drill and layed down. As I layed down besides her I put my hand over her stomach. She smiled and put her hand over mine. We both fell asleep like that.

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