jealous (dennor)

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this was a bit rushed and norway is pretty ooc

today was their anniversary. denmark and norway had been dating for 8 months, so they decided to celebrate by something other than takeout and sex. instead they sat inside a noisy, yet fancy restaurant in their nicest outfits.

norway sat opposite of his boyfriend, a smile plastered on his face as his eyes scanned the menu. the dishes were french and incredibly expensive. but since they weren't actual humans, money had no value to them.

denmark grinned and stared at his boyfriend. he was the most adorable thing on this planet; the way his cheeks looked when he blushed, the small dimples that appeared when he smiled really big, the way his face got pink when he was flustered, and even the way he laughed really hard at a joke. he was too pure, even if he would kill you in seconds.

his thoughts were cut off when he heard norway speak. denmadk was too busy admiring him to hear what he had said.

"sorry, can you repeat that?" the dane asked. norway rolled his eyes and smirked,

"i asked if you found anything you want to eat."

denmark grinned, 'you'.

"yeah, i'm good. thanks babe," norway kicked his shin from under the table,

"don't call me that in public!" he hissed, face going slightly pink. denmark loved to make the norweigan blush, he looked so cute. well, he looked cute doing anything.

"of course baby."

norway tried to hide his blush, "stop it!"

"angel," azazel smirked.

norway's face was red with embarrassment, "shut up!"


norway covered his face with his hands. as he was about to mumble something, the couple was interrupted by their waitress.

just at a glance of her, something about her
made denmark suspicious. her long red hair was braided down her head and thrown over his shoulder. her cleavage stuck out of her shirt and her skirt was entirely too short, it definitely was not made to be pulled up that high on her waist.

"welcome to le meurice, my name is brooke and i'll be serving you tonight. can i start you out with drinks?"

ugh. her voice. denmark hated her voice. it was just as slutty as she looked. when she spoke she pushed her chest out and made weird hip movements. to regular men, she would be basic eye candy and a ticket for free sex.

norway just smiled, not taking notice of the bitch in front of him, "i'll just have a water thanks," brooke smiled and turned to azazel, her smile fading just a bit.

"and for you?"

denmark put on his best 'fake happy', "i'll have a coke."

brooke's lips twitched downward and glanced between them.

"ok i'll be right back with those," and with that, she walked off. her hips swaying to the point where she was trying way to hard. immediately when she left. denmark turned back to norway , who's head was out of his hands.

"use manners!" the smaller boy scolded even though he was slightly grinning. the dane chuckled,

"whatever you say sugar."


after about five minutes of giggling and swooning, little miss whore came back with their drinks. she sashayed over to their table, catching a lot of men's attention. when she arrived at the booth, she placed the two drinks in front of the couple and flashed her pearly whites at norway, who was grinning with satisfaction.

"thank you," he replied, nodding his head. denmark grumbled a 'thanks', waiting for brooke to leave.

"are you ready to order your meal?"

denmark inwardly groaned. norway piped up immediately to order his food. brooke licked her lips and puffed her chest out. denmark just ordered whatever his boyfriend got, still eyeing down the waitress.

"that'll be right up," she giggled, turning to walk away. but before she pranced away, she turned her head and winked at norway. the taller one was growing angrier by the second, because norway didn't even seem to care.

"she seems nice," the blond suggested, taking a sip of his water. denmark growled and grabbed norway's hands, gripping it not too tightly and rubbing his thumb across the soft skin. norway just sighed and smiled as he took in a deep breath.

it felt like forever since their food had gotten to their table. the first thing that denmark noticed was that brooke was only carrying one plate. she gracefully placed it in front of loziel,

"i'll be out with yours soon, i just didn't want to keep any of you waiting," she said bitch-like, smiling sweetly at Norway. denmark's eye twitched in envy, but he managed to fake smile again. brooke scowled and walked away.

as soon as she left the table, denmark stood up. norway tilted his head, "where are you going?" denmark growled,

"come with me."

norway shrugged and followed his boyfriend outside the restaurant,

"why are we out here?" he asked. denmark threw his hands up,

"she was obviously flirting with you!" he shouted. norway cracked a grin,

"are you really concerned about this?"

"yes! what if you end up leaving me for her?!"

the norweigan laughed, "why the hell would i do that? you know i love you, right?" he questioned. the taller blond rolled his eyes,

"yes but-"

"no. i love you, and i would never leave you, especially on our anniversary," norway told him. demmark sighed,

"yeah you're right, that was pretty dumb of me," he admitted, pulling his boyfriend into a hug. norway smiled and hugged back,

"can we go eat now?"

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