mental hospital (dennor)

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dear norway,

it's really lonely here. the staff here doesn't realize how miserable we are. we do the same routine every single day; wake up, take our pills, eat breakfast, therapy, lunch, pills, dinner, pills. they think that they can cure us with pills. truth is, i'm not sure they really help. everyone else says they work miracles, but i'm just not feeling it.

i still don't know why i'm here, norge. i don't remember setting that building on fire, or setting the playground ablaze. i'm pretty sure i'm not an arsonist, right? i don't know why i woke up on the sidewalk next to a burning playground with a lighter in my hand.

i of course want to know what happened, but more than anything i just want out. is that so much to ask? i really miss you, and i'm sorry about whatever drove me to insanity, i truly am.

i don't think i'm going to be out any time soon, so just-tell everyone i love and miss them, even iceland.

maybe some things are meant to happen for a reason. i bet that this is all part of something big, good or bad. i hope that future me will see this note and remember when i "got better" and was let free.

anyways, time is coming to a close very soon. this is all i can write for you today. i hope to see you again. i promise that i'll hug you, but not to tight so you don't punch me.

i wish you the best, and i love you.

yours truly,

i now understand why i have no friends

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2017 ⏰

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