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The brown haired Boy ,named Dipper, walked in the forest of Gravity Falls on a beautyful sunny day . He had nothing better to do . Years have passed since his last adventure. That was with Bill, since that nothing had happend. It was boring for him. No monster showed up. It was to quiet for this City. "This isn't normal" was the first thought he had. The brown haired male walked around only to find Bill's statue. He went over to it and leaned down infront of it. "It's boring without you Bill ... I never thought i could miss you. You wanted to kill my family ,my friends and me. Why do i miss you... I can't understand this feeling...." Said the now 18 years boy infront of Bill's statue. Little did He know he could hear him. Nobody knew if he is dead or ever return. The yellow triangle was always watching them and never looked away. He had something planed and the brown haired boy had something to do with him.
After Dipper said that, he felt a hand tuching his right shoulder. He turned around to be greeted by nothing. "Maybe it was just a leaf" he said to his self. "Oh pine tree ,it would be great for you of it would have been a leaf" Bill said to his self because Dipper couldn't hear him. He waited for the day he could return and that day was tomorrow. The triangel was happy about that . Who knows what will happen when he returns? Not even God knows the awnser of that question. All he could do over the years was waiting for tomorrow.
The brown haired male stands up and leaves his hat on the statue then leaves. He didn't know why he did that, but He hopes that Bill brings it back, but He also thinks that is imposible .
After a while he is infront of the Mistery Shack and enters it. The place was filled with people. Dipper didn't like the loud noise of people. He ran upstairs to his room and closed the door behind him. Mable had a slumber Party at her friends house, so Dipper is alone in his room. He sat down on his bed and laid onto his pillow. After seconds he fell asleep, drooling on the bed sheet.
Hours pass and the sun rises. Today was the day that Bill returns. The statue of him slowly begins to break and his body leaves the place where he stuck for years. He was very Happy to be free again. He could finally finish his plans, but first he needed a new portal and He already knew who is going to make it. Dipper Pines.

Don't cry my little Prince.... [ A Billdip story ]Where stories live. Discover now