
22 7 0

Beauty of the nature calms our mind and helps to relieve all the sresses  we have. No matter how developed the world becomes and whatever the technology scientists introduce nothing can give you the pleasure which our nature gives us. Trees , flowers, rivers,lakes,birds, mountains all calms our mind and soul better than any medication in the world.And we have got a lot to learn from our surrounding.
         Water in a river always flows forward  until it meets ocean from its place of origin,so it teaches us to we also should move forward in our lives until we meet our final destiny .
         Birds teaches us we should free ourselves from fears to be independent and successful. 
        Mountains resist all the changes in climate and teaches us to be strong whatever the adversities we face in our lives.
         And if we enjoy and think for a moment nature not only calm our mind it also teaches us lot of lessons to lead a successful life.

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