Use social media intelligently

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In the modern society it's hard to find a person who is not using social media. Most of us are addicted to using it. I would like to address few instances where we would  should use it  intelligently. Most of us are addicted to these even without our conscience since in social media platforms we are given identity, acceptance, and value as an individual which might be lacking in the real life.And although in the real life there are only few friends ,in these platforms there will be thousands of so called "friends"  who we might not know in the real life.So individuals are dragged into a screen which helps to escape  from the real world. Here when someone posted there problems it will be liked and commented by spectators. I don't think these spectators will come and help solving the problems ,since everyone is busy in talking about there own problems in these platforms. 
              And when coming to updating statuses, sharing posts we should be intelligent,since we will be labelled and branded according to what we share. Be open minded. Think once,think twice and think thrice and think once more about the posts you are going to share ,what you are going to comment . Is it necessary? , is it the truth?, is it kind? ,is it useful ?, is it ethical? . For an example if someone sharing  a  pictured post regarding an raped and killed individual. First thing that should come to your mind is  "is it ethical to share that individuals picture together with the post" , Family members might be suffering with the trauma . If they see again and again pictures ,posts regarding that, they might be trying hard to come out of the trauma . But we are reminding it again and again for them. We, being strangers we are traumatizing them again and again. We are adding up fuel to their misery. Yes of course, as a society ,as humans we should be more intelligent when addressing social problems. Think for a moment if "you" are  the victim who died .will you be liked to be advertised with posts and news everywhere. Will your parents will like that. Your family will be in a great trauma and they will be depressed forever. So think if you and your family was in this condition ,what you might be feeling.
Yes media and social media platforms are in a competition, they will feed your minds with what you and your mind want, rather than exposing the truth underlying. So don't fall for their trap. You as a human you are more intelligent. Yes so called platforms will feed you with hatred sometimes but you should think  before sharing the information .will my contribution will add up more and more problems. Will my contribution will add for forever suffering of innocents?. Will my contribution will create a society full of hatred?. Will my contribution will heal the minds?. Will my contribution will motivate for  optimistic change?. Choice is yours, but consequences will be suffered by all. Being silent spectator is more intelligent than going up majority if you think anything will cause more harm and not do any good. If it's wrong even if everyone is agreeing it will be wrong and if it's right even if everyone disagrees it will be right. And adhere to some principles when you use social media platforms.As a principal I have my own principal I will never share anything related to politics, hatred etc. Use it for the relieving stress and not to add up more and more stress to your life.
       And about the addiction , I really worry about the  generation after us, since this generation uses these things since the age 10 or even below. They are still kids. They don't have the intelligence to pick up what is good ,what is bad. There personality is not completed still. They are still growing to be adults. But ,as adults are we exposing them to a good world, is a question we all should have in our mind. Are we feeding their minds with humanity or vice versa. Are we exposing them too much on adult dramas. Are we making them adults even before they completely grow up? It's the time to think. Now a days even the cartoons are full of adult stuff,competition,hatred.
        These days kids of 10 years talking about depression, 10 year olds attempts suicide, 10 year olds with broaken affairs. 14 year olds do sexual assualts. When I was 10 year old I only played hide and seek game in the yard. When I was 10 year old I only knew children's songs, I didn't know about mobile phones, I didn't know about Facebook or instagram, I didn't know about much of politics. I didn't know to hate someone. I only knew to love, share, be friendly in real life, to read books.
      And I have lot of good memories with friends ,relatives, places I traveled, rides I went with my brother in the cycle, playing in rivers,paddy fields,rocks, shrubs. Playing with dolls. But now a days kids I am really worried what will be there memories?. Will they think about broaken affair in social media, video games,killer games, mobile games, computer games, hatred... So as adults think before you do something in media and social media, because it will not only affect us but the future generations to come. They have the right to live peacefully in a beautiful world. They are children who are going to live for a long time. Average life span now a days is  about 60. We have lived about half of it but we have responsibility to let the children of future generation live in peace and harmony.
       “I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.” This is quote by Einstein, and I witness  what he feared has happened. 
    I  pray we can rebuild a world where more human interaction takes place without hiding behind a screen. I pray as adults ,as humans before we die we  could build a world in which people can live without fear, with peace....

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