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Life is the
most precious gift,
we got as humans
we all have ,
good times and bad times,
Sometimes we are euphoric,
and sometimes we are depressed,
It's common to all of us,
I know,we have
different strategies,
different means,
different personalities,
different paths,
different problems,
different status,
different knowledge,
and we all are different,
But still.......
Choosing the life,over death
is an attitude
we have to come up as a nation,
Peace and Love,
are the weapons to heal the mind...
heal the pain..
heal the suffering..
heal the lives..
How much it costs
to smile?
to listen?
to talk?
to love?
to help?
Ask yourself?
"Are you suitable to be a Human?"
I believe,
It's a shame for me,if I let
someone choose death over life,
to call myself a "human"
what I believe is,
If I can't emphathize,
atleast I should sympathize..
Should help ,
My loved ones when they need me,
I should be a person,
whome other can rely on,
If everyone thinks this way..
If everyone takes care of the loved ones...
We can change the world,
what it matters most is,
"Changing attitudes"
So collectively it will impact
On changing the world,
We have to get rid of the" stigma"
Social stigma about suicide,
Social stigma about mental illness,
Social stigma about helping
To be a person,
whome a needy person can access
most suiciders doesn't end the life since they like,
They end it to end the "pain"
Don't be ignorant..
Look around,
Be vigilant,
Your loved ones may be going through hardships..
Listen to them,
Talk with them,
Offer help to them,
Let us prevent suicides,
Let us ,
Let the people choose life over death,
as a nation,
as humans..
Let us,
Heal the mind with love,
Heal the pain with love,
Heal the souls with peace and love,
And let choose this precious
Gift of "life"
over death..........

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