Live the moment

20 7 2

       Always  try to live  enjoying the moment. If you feel like you want to do something don't postpone it ,because the moment you live now is not the same in the future.You will not be in the same age, the people around you may be not the same, environment around you may be not the same, your health may not be the same, responsibilities you have will be change .So enjoy the moment as much as you can .Both happiness and problems comes without asking and that's how the life is.
           So enjoy your life while you remain young .Sing,dance,travel, watch movies,dress what you like,enjoy with friends,cook,read books, do gardening, and do whatever you like in your leisure time because the feeling and happiness you get doing these things when you are young will not be the same when you get old.So live the moment and enjoy the moment without having regrets in the future.☺☺☺

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