Closer and closer

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Kendall's POV

"What are you doing tonight?" I laid down on the bed

Hailey shrugged and continued brushing her hair in the mirror "not sure. kinda wanna go out"

"Didn't you go out yesterday night?" I mumbled

"Yea but today is a new day. You should come"

I shook my head "I'm gonna go hangout with Justin"

She smirked and looked at me in the mirror "you bring him up a lot. You still like him don't you?"

The reason I keep bringing him up is because I'm only associating with her in order to get an idea as to if she has something to do with this whole mess. I really don't want to be around her. I'm only doing this for Justin.

"No. He's literally been one of my closest friends forever"

"Friend with benefits you mean? That's all you ever were"

"Well not anymore"

"Because of Ariana" she turned around to look at me "Tell me. If Ariana would of never came into the picture, do you really think you and Justin would of still stopped being friends with benefits?"

I nodded "eventually. we weren't gonna be that forever. one of us was gonna date someone sooner or later"

"doesn't it bother you that she kinda just stole him from you?"

I was about to deny that but this might help my whole reason of being here. If I pretend to realize that it does bother me, maybe she'll tell me if she's up to something.

I looked down at my hands and shrugged "no"

"It so does" she got up and sat next to me

"If it did, what could I even do about it?"

"hello do you not remember my whole scheme? They broke up because of me" she laughed

"So you're saying I should get him to cheat on Ariana with me?"

She nodded "he's literally cheated on everyone he's ever been with"

That's not true

"he can't keep his dick in his pants. I'm surprised he doesn't have a std or something"

I'm surprised you don't have one

"I can help you get him back" she grinned

"How?" I pretended to be interested

She grabbed her laptop from her nightstand and started searching for something.

"I can get these out in a click of a button. Nobody knows how old they are"

She opened a folder full of pictures of Justin and her in bed. And in these he's clearly conscious...

"You and Justin hooked up?" I muttered, realizing by the date on the folder that they were taken when Justin and I were some kind of thing.

Power Couple - jariana (INCOMPLETE)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum