Chapter Four

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Please ignore mistakes. I was writing this at 2am.

It all happened in a blur. One minute she was watching a car fly toward her on the highway with its horn blowing, then the next she's staring up at her ex husband with a sharp pain in her back and a ringing in her ears. She can see that he is speaking, yelling actually as the little vein in his neck popped out of his reddened neck, but she couldn't hear a word he was saying.

"What the fuck are you thinking?! I can't lose you, too!" She was able to catch the last of what he had to say when the ringing finally stopped. His head dropped into the crook of her neck and she could feel the ferocious movement of his body as the sobs finally tore their way through him.

"Jesse, I'm so sorry." Her voice cracked and she wrapped her arms firmly around the man's shaking body.

"Why her? She's only ten. She has so much to live for."

"It's my fault. This whole thing was my idea. I just wanted them to stay close and now I could lose them." The two laid there on the sidewalk for a while, holding the other as they sobbed and tried to comfort the other. Minutes passed before they broke apart. Jesse stood and helped Beca to her feet, "I don't think that I have any tears left."

"Yeah? Well, tell me if that changes after you see your wife." Jesse spoke in an almost jealous tone, causing Beca to give him an empathetic expression.

"I'm sorry." She mutters quietly.

"Don't be. I'm glad one of us still has a chance to have a loved one returned to them." He tried to give her an assuring smile, but just couldn't bring himself to it. "Does it make me an awful person if I say that I wish that Anne was the one with the higher chance of waking up?" He asked in a hushed voice.

"No, I get it. I love Chloe so much, but that's my baby in there. If I'm being honest, if I had the opportunity to choose, I'd choose Anne." Beca admits, her heart shattering more. "It may sound selfish, fine, but that's my child. She's only 10. She's too young to leave this work, she has so much to live for. Chloe is almost 30. She may be too young for death, but she's lived longer than Anne. She's got to experience all of the normal human things that Anne hasn't yet. She's loved, she's lived her dream job and had a beautiful family. Anne hasn't and I know Chloe would think the same way if she were in my position."

"I know Chloe loves her, but I can't help feeling that this is kind of her fault." Jesse refused to look at Beca as he spoke but he could feel her eyes on him. "I'm sorry, but what was she doing that she didn't see a truck speeding toward her?"

"I don't know, Jesse. Maybe watching the oncoming traffic. What was the driver thinking driving through a red light? Maybe you should ask that question instead of being so quick to blame Chloe. I get that you don't like her because, yeah, I left you to be with her, but she loves Anne and she has never nor would she ever do something to deliberately put her in harm's way. Whether you like it or not, Chloe is Anne's mom, too and she loves her just as much. She loved her before you even actually did and never once used her as a pawn to keep me wrapped around her pinky finger! Chloe's a great fucking mom and she's always there for OUR child. What have you done?" With that, Beca stormed back into the building, done with Jesse's annoying ability to make everything work against Chloe.

Once back in the waiting room, Beca stopped in her tracks at the sight of Chloe's disheveled parents. They looked over at her with pain in their eyes, "Did you see her?" She asked though she knew the answer. The two nodded their response, "Was it that bad?"

"Worse." Her mother said. "She doesn't even look like my baby anymore." The sentence was barely formed before Mrs. Beale was breaking down in her husband's arms.

"Mommy? I wanna see momma." Beck tugged on Beca's shirt.

"Beca, I think it's better if he waits. At least until after you see her, then you can decide." Chloe's dad spoke and Beca looked to her mom to get her advice. When she nodded, Beca knelt down so she was the same height as her son.

"Buddy, momma is very bad hurt. Do you understand what I'm saying?" Her son gave her a blank expression, "Momma may not look like momma, and she can't talk or move. I think you should wait."

"But I want to see momma..."

"And you will, but let me see her first, okay? Let me make sure that momma is momma before you see her. You don't want her to look like somebody else, do you?"

He shook his head, "I only want my momma."

"Okay, then you need to be patient with mommy. It may be a little bit before you see her, but I will make sure that she looks just like you remember. Okay? Can you wait and be a strong man for me?" He nodded, "Alright. Now give me a kiss." He placed small pecks on his mom's face then ran to his grandparents. With a deep breath, Beca stood and made her way to Chloe's hospital room.

With one hand on the doorknob, Beca stood frozen. She was afraid of what she would see. Would it be the girl she fell in love with? Or would the reconstruction that she had undergone make her look different? Only one way to find out. Slowly, Beca opened the door and stepped into the room. Tears stung her eyes as she peered across the room at her wife with all of the different machines connected to her, keeping her bodily functions at a normal pace. As if her feet were stuck in buckets of concrete, she began to move them and gradually drag herself closer to Chloe's bedside.

"Oh my God." She couldn't stop herself as she began to break down at the sight before her. "Baby, no." She reached up and gently cupped Chloe's swollen cheek, careful not to knock her breathing tube out of place. "I'm so sorry, Chlo bear. I don't know if you can hear me, but I don't blame you for anything. I love you so much and so do our babies." She paused for a moment, trying to keep it together. "The doctors are confident that you're going to make a full recovery, isn't that great? But Anne, they don't think she will make it." Her words were interrupted by sobs. "Baby, I need you to wake up. I can't do this if you're not here. Hell, I just can't do this. My girls are both badly hurt, but I can't lose you both. I want my baby to wake up and I know you would, too, but she might not. Don't you leave me, too. Please." Beca laid her head on Chloe's chest carefully and listened to her heartbeat, slowly calming at the soothing sound. "Oh, I almost forgot. I have something for you." She reached into her pocket and pulled out Chloe's wedding rings, "The paramedics gave these to me, thank God they didn't throw them away." She carefully slid the rings back onto Chloe's fingers where they belong and kisses them softly. "When you look a little better, Beck is gonna see you. I don't want to bring him now and scare him more." She stood quietly, listening to the beep that monitored Chloe's heart for a few moments. "I'll be back, baby. But I have to go now so other people can see you. You got this, beautiful. Stay strong." Super carefully, Beca leaned over the bed and placed a soft kiss on Chloe's swollen lips, "I love you, Chloe Anne Mitchell." She whispered then slowly backed away and returned to the waiting area.

Hi guys! Sorry this one took a little longer. I bought a car and am now working on that license. I'm terrified since my accident, but slowly getting there. I've also been working on my pool a lot and I went to the cemetery to celebrate my daddy's birthday with him. I just wish it didn't have to be there...

Anyway, this was short but I hope you liked it. It's kind of just filler so you can see Chloe and all of the emotions that everyone else is feeling.

More soon!

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