Chapter Six

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"I've really been asleep for three weeks?" Chloe asked in shock as she listened to all that Beca had to tell her.

"Yeah. Do you not remember anything?" Beca asked, Chloe's blank expression making her heart drop. "Nothing? Nothing at all?"

"I mean, I remember you."

"What exactly do you remember about me?"

"I remember everything. Your eyes are bluer than the morning sky, you have these cute little dimples when you smile, you have a tattoo on your arm, shoulder blade, and the inside of your thigh, your hair is terrible to brush when it's wet, you have this small scar on your stomach from something we promised to never speak of again, and aren't we dating?"

"Dating? Chloe," she grabbed Chloe's left hand gently and showed her the matching rings, "we're married. We have been for years. We got married a month after having Beck."

"Beck? Who is that?"

"Beckett Wade Mitchell. He's our son. You gave birth to him, you have a few stretch marks."

"What are you talking about? That's impossible. I'm fully lesbian. You're the pregnant one." Beca stood quietly for a moment, realizing the extent of Chloe's memory.

"You don't remember anything after senior year at Barden?" Chloe shrugged a little, "I'm going to be right back." Beca stepped out of the room and searched for a doctor. "Hey, doctor." She grabbed a sleeve of a doctor that she recognized to get his attention. "I need your help. I think my wife has memory loss and I need to know how serious it is?"

"What's the patient's name?"

"Chloe Beale." The doctor searched the files and read through Chloe's.

"Oh, this could be serious. Okay, I'll take a look."

"Thank you." She lead him back to Chloe's room where he performed the proper tests to determine memory loss. After a few minutes and many questions, the doctor wrote something in the file before looking up at Beca.

"Well, she most certainly has some memory loss. It's not too far back and her head wasn't severely damaged, so most likely her memories will slowly return. Just ease her back into life and show her things that were once very important to her or that contain many memories. They should come back. And refrain from any bump to the head. Even the smallest bump could further the loss."

"Okay. Thank you, doctor." Beca shook the man's hand then took a seat beside Chloe, letting out a long sigh.

"Did I disappoint you?" Chloe's quiet voice broke Beca's heart.

"No. Of course not, baby. This isn't your fault. You were doing what you're supposed to do, it's the drunk dick that hit you's fault. I almost lost you, if my daughter doesn't wake up, I don't know what I'll do. I can't lose you guys and I'm just so stressed." Out of the corner of her eye, Beca could see fingers reaching toward her and she gently took the hand in her own.

"I don't really know what's happening, but I do know that I love you. I always have and I always will. I hate that you're hurting and I really hope that I can get those memories back, so that I can really be there for you. Just, do whatever you can, okay?"

"I will, baby." She leaned over and kissed the ginger's still slightly swollen lips gently, smiling against her lips when she felt a hand cupping her cheek. "I'll take care of you and your memories. You just worry about getting better for me. Okay?"

"I can do that." Chloe replied softly and kissed the brunette a couple more times. "Promise you won't leave me?"

"Nothing could ever pull me from your side, baby." At that moment, a doctor came in with news that contradicted what Beca had just said to Chloe.

"Mrs. Mitchell, sorry to interrupt, but your daughter is making progress. We're kind of shocked actually, and she's been given visitation but only for parents. I've just told your ex husband and he's waiting for you. I just thought that you should know."

"Oh my God. Baby, I know I literally just said that I'll never leave your side, but-"

"Don't worry about it. Go see your daughter, just always be mine."

"Of course. And she's 'our' daughter, not just mine. I love you." She placed one more kiss on Chloe's lips before leaving the room and rushing to her ex's side. "Hey. You ready for this?"

"No. You?"

"No." They sighed simultaneously and peered at each other for a moment. Jesse reached his hand out to offer support and Beca slowly clasped hers with it. "Let's go see our daughter." Jesse said and pushed the door open, both hands tightening around the other at the sight.

Again this is short and I'm so sorry that these chapters tend to be really short. But there are a lot of fillers and I'm squeezing in writing time just barely. Stick with me, though. They'll get better once Chloe's able to do stuff and get her memory back and what not. Love you guys. Thanks for reading and I hope to hear some comments. I love reading your comments. It encourages me to continue. 😜😃

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