Where it all began and how it all ended

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I rushed up to Paige's room, all flustered, and finally broke down in tears, after I shut the door. Paige looked at me worried and I cried even harder I know for sure I'm not over josh but the incident that happened in the bathroom shouldn't of happened I can't disobey my mom and hurt Kendall.

After telling Paige about the whole thing about what happened in the bathroom, she told me the way to get my feelings out was to write it in a letter about how my love for josh all started

Well my liking actually started in the 8th grade after he went to Scotland I realized I really liked him more than a friend. But when I realized I was in love with him was

So I wrote a letter,I didn't think to send, it wasn't for him, it was for me.

On Sunday march 16th 2014

we said what we liked about people I had a whole alot more to say about you beside your funny! And I really doubt you remember this

What I like about you is that I've known you for so long and we've been friends for so long, your one person I really trust, you always know how to make me laugh without trying, you Cared about me during the things where I thought you'd hate me, you reassured me that I can trust you on multiple occasions,and that everything's gonna be alright, even though you ignore me in school to act cool, I want to believe that somewhere in you, you still care about me and I want to believe that it

Is just a wall your putting up in front of your friends in school, even though you forgot my birthday and you acted like a douche to me i still like you because i believe that you are the kindest sweetest trustworthy and loyal guy that I know and if I could have it my way I would say it to your face instead of hiding it and putting my feelings aside but I need to say it I love you Scottish boy [AN:idk if he is Scottish or not]

So behind the words "your funny" was a meaning that I'm to scared to say.

By the end of the letter, tears fell on the page, and I did the unthinkable I got out of Paige's room, walked across the hall, to the room i knew to well was Josh's. I opened the door

I really wish I didn't because right there sitting on Josh's bed with josh on top was, my worst nightmare coming true.

Because there he was making out with the girl who i thought he would't, the girl who he knew wanted to break us up, an the girl who ultimately did have dibs on her side.





























(dancemoms fanfic) Dibs and decsions!!! ON HOLDNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ