The big dance suprise

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Josh's POV

"JOSH JOSH" called ms Abby as she waddled to me I was just watching Chloe warm up oooh she looks beautiful today. "Josh would you help me by doing a duet or trio with Chloe and Paige or Maddie u pick." Hmmm dancing with Chloe that'll be amazing and maybe it's a romantic duet."ok ill do it and can it be with Chloe and Maddie" ok be ready in 5" yelled Abby



ok girls I have a surprise joining us to do a trio with Maddie and Chloe is josh. I SQUEELED ussally I don't but this is the guy I love so I had to.I ran right up to him but before I had the chance to hug him Maddie leaped on him and made him carry her all the way to the line up. "Chloe and Maddie your trio will be fighting over Josh's heart but at the end Chloe will win and while Maddie gets mad but ends finding love with........

The next guy which is Max Josh's best friend.who was trying to get Chloe

Maddies POV


I know I should be upset that i don't end up with josh but I kinda have a small/medium crush on Max hes cute charming sweet and im prettty sure hes into me but should i tell chloe that dibs are off this time and that i think she and josh should be together ummm let me think about it and then if i really do like max then i will.

Paiges POV


i absoulty hate ms abby right now and its just because she brought in the only one of joshs friends who i actually like and im not even in the dance screw ms abby me and brooke never get put into these dances and just watch max and maddie will end up dating

(dancemoms fanfic) Dibs and decsions!!! ON HOLDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora