to late to turn back

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It was a month in counting from the wedding. No one in the Shiba house was in a rush or hurry the only people who were where shanchuu's family. At this point they were always over the house trying to plan. Takeru didn't really care yeah it was his wedding but he didn't want it. Shanchuu would always ask him about colors, flowers, food, decorations, everything but he let her choose. He only had one thing on his mind right now he knew he couldn't turn back but befor he gets married he wanted to confess to Mako his feelings befor it was to late. Mako who had not spoken a word the time they were going through was hanging out Kotoha Miu and Saki who were always around to help her. "Well we have about 4 weeks to find a way to stop this." Miu says they all were in her house. " how do we do that at this point the only way to stop it is for us to object to it at the alter." Kotoha says Saki nodded. " then that's what we do all 4 of us objet to the union and put Mako in the alter." Miu says. "Stop stop stop guys I love you all and I know you love me but we need to know when it's over. There is no more time to get Takeru to fall in love with me even worse shanchuu with have him fused to her arm night and day for planning this wedding. I know you all worked hard to try and get us together to make me happy but if it hasn't worked them maybe it's because with me he is not happy. " Mako says. " Mako are you suggesting he is happy with her?" Saki says. "Open your eyes no he is not she always clinging to him and smothering him and he can't stop her at all. He is miserable." Kotoha says. "Mako my sister comes home every day upset by the fact the he often ditches her to hang out, watch, go with you somewhere." Saki says. "Im not saying he's happy with her and if he is then who are we to stop him. If he is not then something will happen to stop the wedding or brake them apart. Thank you guys for putting so much time and effort into getting us together but it's to late to change anything only a miracle could make takeru come and tell me he loves me. I hope you all can forgive me for wasting your time." Mako apologizes." Mako." Kotoha and Saki says but Miu cut them off. "Okay if that's how you really feel we support you. Even without Takeru you will still find happiness and I'm willing to help. I'm gonna set you up on a date with a guy I know who is rather single hopefully he can help you get over takeru." Miu says the other girls were supried miu was going to help Mako move on. (Mako's phone rings) "hello, hi Chiaki, why, okay im around that area ill bring it back with me." Mako says she gets up from the couch." I'll be right back girls." Mako says she heads out while the girls stayed. "Miu are you really gonna set Mako up with a guy?" Saki says. "Defiantly I know her better then anyone I know her type and they fit my expectations. " miu says eating the snacks she had played out. "But shouldn't they fit mako's expectation?" Saki asked. " me and Mako have similar taste in men. We want smart men who will love and care for us, be able to protect and provide for us, wants kids, has a sense of justice so he does things for the good of people not just him, and very handsome." Miu says. "True that sounds like a dream guy." Kotoha says. " I know your all supried that im not fighting for her to be with takeru anymore but it's like she said it's time to know when you have lost. It would take a miracle to get him to fall in love or confess his love to her. Yeah I'm sad I couldn't get my best friend the man she wanted but when she says stop I can't keep pushing her onto a married or about to be married man. The only thing I can do is try to help her get over him." Miu says. " we understand." Saki says. " yeah don't feel guilty nither of you had any control over anything." Kotoha says. " Thanks im gonna go give my friend a call." Miu says she gets up and walks out of the room. " what should we do?" Kotoha says. " I don't know if only we knew as much about love as Mako and Miu." Saki says. " Well more of if we knew as much as Miu." Kotoha says. " huh?" Saki asked. " Mako has never had a boyfriend yet alone been in love besides takeru. He is her first love so this was very special to Mako. " Kotoha says Saki nodded. (Miu) "Hey William you still don't have a girlfriend right? Well I have this friend who is looking for a relationship I told her about you and she is interested if you are." Miu says. " she is super smart, skilled, well mannered, fit, she can defend herself, and beautiful." Miu says. "Okay she will meet you tomorrow bye." Miu finished and came back. "So what did your friend says?" Kotoha asked. " they have a date tomorrow afternoon." Miu says. " wow." Just then Mako came back and sat down. " So what did I miss?" She asked. " nothing your going on a date tomorrow afternoon." Miu says. " Okay." Mako says. " really normally you hate the idea of a blind date." Miu says. " while I was out I was thinking it would be better if I took my mind off of Takeru so im open to it." Mako says. " Okay then." Miu says. "Kotoha we should get going and sed if we are needed back home." Mako says Kotoha agrees and they leave. They arrive back home to see Shanchuu standing on Takeru's seat in heels getting measurements done. It was so disrespectful. Mako and Kotoha went to their rooms but saw the workers moving boxes into Takeru's room. They looked in and saw a lot of Shanchuu's stuff now placed in. "Well there's no turning back now Kotoha you should go to bed." Mako says. " You too?" She asked." don't worry I will but i have something to do." Mako says Kotoha nodded and they went to their rooms. Mako changed into her traning cloths and walked out of her room and right into Takeru. " Mako what are you doing up so late dressed." He asked. " late night training I only have a month left so I want to do while I still can." Mako says." Takeru come on is time for first night together." Shanchuu appeared in pajamas out of Takeru's room. " oh hi Mako sorry to disturb you." She says Mako bowed and walked past Takeru and out the back door. She walked all the way to the river side and took out her brush. She drew the sambal of air and the wind started to pick up heavily and blow around. Mako sang a song she leaned as a child from her mother.
I am the controller of the harshest winds
From the hottest deserts to the
Wettest oceans
I can make it bend and twist as I please
I can even make it dance thought the leaves
No one can do what I can
Because the wind is part of who I am
A simbal of freedom is what it is
Free to do as it Pleases
I am wind and it is me sing it loud from the trees
I can make it do anything I want
Excapt make it find love........

Mako's consternation broke with no concentration she lost control of her powers the wind forced her out and away from the river into the trees. Mako hit her head but was not knocked out she heard something running her way and stayed still hoping it would pass her but it can right to her and asked her. " Mako are you okay?" She heard her eyes opened to see Takeru by her side. She sat up. " Takeru what are you doing here?" She asked. " I came to make sure you were okay the wind picked up so I wanted to make sure you got inside but when I found you i could see it was fine till it got to the last part." He says helping her up. " what about Shanchuu isn't she waiting on you?" Mako asked. " she fell asleep befor I got done brushing my teeth." He says." Oh." She says. " nice song." He says. " Thanks my mom Thoughtit to me when I was little. To help me control my power." Mako says." Well  why did the power go crazy?" He asked. " I broke my consetraion so I couldn't control it." Mako says. " Well it's late we should go home and head to bed." Takeru says she nodded she got her stuff and they headed back. They got back in and takeru took Mako to her room door and waited for her to go in then headed to his room where shanchuu was sleeping on the bed. He went through his closet and put some blankets and pillows on the ground and fell asleep. The next after noon Mako was dressed up for her date with William to. She and miu were talking about it last night in text messages. It was about 5 when shanchuu walked into her room without knocking. " in my god can't you knock first." Mako says she didn't mean to be rude but that was disrespectful. "Look who is acting like a big girl today." Shanchuu says. " sorry what is that supost to mean?" Mako asked. " I accept you apology and I mean the little girl stuff you pulled last night." Shanchuu says folding her arms. " last night I didn't do anything last night." Mako says you can see the innocence in her face. " really then what was the whole you and takeru coming in through the back door last night?" She says. " exactly what you just said we walked in the back door last night why are you questioning me like you solving a case." Mako says she puts her hair into a bun then gets up to choose shoes. "Wow you look nice why are you so dressed up." Shnachuu asked. " I have a date." Mako says she pickes a black wedg and put it on. " crazy takeru is gonna be out all night too I wonder if you two will see eachother tonight." Shanchuu. " to make you feel better if we do ill tell in the morning." Mako says. " Just tell me Mako it won't change anything I know you two have known eachother for a long time and as his about to be wife I should know his past even present relationships." Shanchuu says. " Well I'm not the one you should be asking if you mean romantic relationships. That is none of my business and if I did know who had been with in the past I still would not tell you without his permission." Mako says she walks out of her room to kotoha's with shanchuu behind her. Mako knocks on the door and kotoha lets her in. " look I know you two have something going on behind my back tell me." Shanchuu says they were the onnly ones in the house other then the works. " Well if you keep looking you will find there is nothing there me and takeru and not romantically involved in any way." Mako says. " how can I trust you you are probably just lying  to me." Shanchuu says. " Well if you finger that why would you ask me then." Mako says. " because I thought you would be woman enough  to tell me the truth." Shanchuu says. They all walk into the living room. " I am woman enough to do anything I please you should be woman enough to trust the man your about to pledge your life to in a few weeks. So what if I do or don't like him it would be to late to do anything now and I would allow him to be a player. He is my leader and I look up to him if you dout it so much talk to him or call the wedding off either way I'm not lying because I have nothing to lie about. So ask me anything I won't hesitate to tell you the truth." Mako says. " have you two ever kissed." Shanchuu asked the room went quite kotoha looked at Mako for an answer but Mako was blank in expression. " I know it you two have been together before." Shanchuu says smiling as if she won however when mako's face changed. " see what a shame I don't say anything and you instantly think it's true. I Mako have never kissed Shiba Takeru and I can prove it to you look at my face this face doesn't lie. Now I have to go but if you want to find Takeru look near the river it's his monthly solo meditation ." Mako says she leaves and goes out with William and they have a good time.

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