Chapter 27

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Thank God, the rest of the drive was uneventful. I pulled into my driveway. The lights of my car drifted across the front porch and settled on the garage door. I put it into park and turned the key to the off position.

"One more day..." I said, as I turned my head, looking at the front porch. The lights inside the house were on and I could see Stephanie moving through the living room to the front door. The porch light was on. And the bugs were darting around the lamp.

I shook my head, looking at my crotch. Himagami was right, normal. I laughed a little, grabbing the door handle, opening the door. I waited for a moment, slowly closing my eyes trying to focus. I worried about the venom flowing through my veins.

I listened. I heard the mechanical sound of the doorknob twisting. The soft steps of her slippers on the wooden porch, the rustling of her hair across the soft collar of her bathrobe, the sound of her breath and her voice when she whispered my name.

"William..." the sound of her voice quickened my heart.

I held my breath, closing my eyes, "back to reality." I thought, softly blowing it out of my nose. I slammed the car door shut.

"William..." She spoke, brushing the strands of her blonde hair behind her ear. She was dressed in her favorite old bathrobe. It had seen better years but she refused to give it up. Her blonde hair a little damp, pulled high on her head. She smiled, waved and my heart stopped.

She looked beautiful. This was not the venom. She just had a way. The way the porch light shined across her soft skin. The glistening of her damp hair and the softness of her eyes. and the fact that no matter what she wore, her body made it look good. A natural gifted athlete. She excelled at swimming, running and sex. And I was the beneficiary of those skills. Resulting in three daughters and one on the way.

I nodded, grabbing my case and walked across the grass. She met me at the edge of the porch, "are you okay..." She spoke, raising her hands up, cupping my cheeks. Leaned forward and kissed me. She tasted good and she smelled even better, lavender. She must've used it earlier when she had taken a shower. Her robe hung open and the light cast shadows across her very pregnant breasts. She pushed her tongue into my mouth. And just like that dammit, it came back. A light smack and our lips separated. She leaned her head, her eyes watching my face. I knew she suspected something, a wife's intuition. She quickly sniffed the air between us and nodded.

"Is she pretty?"

"Who?" my heart lurched, opening my eyes in surprise. She leaned forward nuzzling my cheek, sniffing my hair.

"Madeleine." She whispered running her tongue across my ear.

"No," I quickly spoke as I honestly answered, "She is a bitch..."

Yes, earlier I thought wow but threatened my family. Hell no...

"But she sounds so..."

"Voices can be deceiving." I blew out a breath, wrapping her in my arms. I was trying not to squeeze. She was nine month pregnant. I was afraid the baby would pop out.

"I need to go to bed." I yawned before I kissed her cheek. Pulling away, looking into her soft green eyes. She curled her lips into a smile, slowly narrowed her eyes.

"Oh crap."

"When this is over. You will tell me everything," She slowly nodded my head, "understand?!" she whispered, lovingly.

She kissed me again with her lips tight, letting out her breath and I instinctively inhaled. She tilted her head with a strange look on her face. She put her hand on my cheek and slid it down my neck, running her thumb across, where I had been bitten three times. I thought for sure she would notice but remembered Himagami told me that only vampires would know.

"How is the baby?" I asked, hoping to change the subject.

"I am fine." She slowly nodded her head with a tight smile on her face, "this one," She reached down patted her belly, "real soon."

She moved her fingers down my arm, grasping my hand and led me into the house. We turn the lights off as we entered the living room. Then the hallway, past the girls room to the bedroom.

"I mean it William..." She said as we entered the bedroom. She let go of my hand as we went around the bed, looking over at me from across the bed. I could see the worried look in her eyes, "everything..."

I nodded, taking off my clothes and slipped underneath the blankets. "I promise." I said as I reached over to the lamp on the table, turning the light out. I rolled on my back, putting my forearm across my eyes, hoping for a very short nap.

Vampires, Wolves and Humans. Oh my, The Tale of Tessa.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora