Chapter 43

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Therianthrope. The Greek word therion meaning wild animal, beast. Anthropes meaning human being. The ability of a human to change or shift into a Beast. A predator. Many familiar with the term Werewolf. Also, called shapeshifting. Valkyries were said to shed their swan skins and appear as swan maidens. I'm reminded of a legend, Asena, an old Turik myth about people descended from wolves. A small village raided by a Chinese soldiers. A single baby left behind to die. An old shewolf with sky blue mane named Asena finds the baby, raises it and gives birth to half wolf, half human pups. Normally, in my educated opinion, I would've assumed severe psychosis or schizophrenic disorder. I took a deep breath, remembering my lesson. Stephanie's ears had turned normal, her eyes, once looking wild had soften. I didn't need another lesson from another teacher.

We sat in silence except for Elsa humming a lullaby, cradling the baby as she sat next to the crib. Stephanie said the kids were staying at friends. In the back of my mind, I was sure there were a few daughters involved. Elsa nodded her head, keeping her eyes on the baby. When a familiar voice caused the hair on the back of my neck to rise, chills covered my body. "Hello, William."

Stephanie looked up and I turned my head towards the door. She stood with her head tilted and a mischievous smile. She raised her arm, wiggling her fingers in hello, wearing a hospital gown, the wrong way. The ties in the front, revealing much of her breast, belly, and thigh that was stepping out between the hospital fabric. I remembered the pose she said she struck when she slept with the professor. And yes, I could see that if would be effective. She smiled; opening her mouth, her lips spreading wide. I laughed. "No way..." I roared, continuing to laugh.

"Shut up!" She narrowed her eyes, thrusting her fingers at me.

Himagami's fangs had fallen out, large spaces took their place among her teeth. She looked like a child and I told her. She growled, taking a few steps, "They will grow back... Jerk!" She closed her eyes, huffed, crossing her arms in front. "I can't believe you would make fun of me?" She sighed, puckering her lips.

"Yeah..." I took a quick breath," that will work..." I cleared my throat, "if I could growl right now." I glared, "you care to tell me about the elevator?"

"Huh?" She cocked her head, eyebrows raised, mouth dropped open, "what elevator?"

"The express elevator... that elevator." I waited, giving her a chance. "I can't believe..."

"OH, really." She said, looking offended, "You mean the elevator you manhandle me in... Me" she put her hand on her chest. "a fragile 4 foot eight, 110 pound, Japanese woman, perfect size by the way," she nodded, turning her gaze, looking at Stephanie.

"I was alone when you did those awful things." She reached up, wiping off fake tears from her eyes. "I was so worried about you and how you were handling Tessa but you took advantage of for me... I couldn't fight you off, with those strong arms and hands of yours." She continued to pour it on. By this time, she was standing next to me, her eyes teary-eyed, looking, begging at Stephanie. "I was so ..." She placed her hand on my thigh, "Stephanie, you believe me, right don't you?" She blinked quickly, twisting her lips waiting for her answer.

"I will put that on the list..." Stephanie spoke, rolling her eyes. With a yeah, I believe look on her face. "But..." She pointed to my crotch.

I looked down, himagami's hand slipped to my inner thigh, her finger, pointing at my penis.

"Ooohh! That? " She raised her eyebrows, smiling.

"If you..." I snatched her hand, holding it tight.

Himagami's cheeks blushes. She chuckled, her mouth wide open, showing the spaces, "just checking..." She wrapped her fingers around my hand, "I wanted to make sure you would claim him properly. He has been worried..." She placed her head on my arm, rubbing her face on my shirt, "I told you. I liked you. You are a good one. William... Like the professor and Kathleen..." She closed her eyes, rubbing her cheek on my shirt, taking in my scent.

"Kathleen Oswalt? " Stephanie looked up, a little surprised by the name.

"Yes, " she nodded, "why do you know her?"

"just heard of her, one of my aunts became mates with Kathleen... Red hair, tall, lean..."

Himagami smiled nodding her head, "that's her, we were close." Her voice broke, "Once..."

Stephanie laughed, taking a quick breath. She said her aunt went to see Kathleen at the Cathedral. When they were attack. She and other members were on patrol in the high mountains, when the attacked occurred. They took on and killed 12 alpha class vampires. Another group took out the helicopter and crew but the one that had Tessa had escaped. Kathleen and the rest were recovering in the higher elevation village.

Himagami's eyes lit up, a sense of relief on her face, closing her eyes with a soft nod. "I'm glad everything is okay."

"You should go up and see her," Stephanie nodded, "she is always talking about you..."

"Really?!" Himagami's eyes lit up as she raised her chin. Stephanie nodded again, "also there a lot of single shewolves. Since you are not a vampire anymore you might..."

Himagami's chuckled, her cheeks burned, "a shewolf huh..." She sighed, letting out a quick breath, "I may have to scout a few but the professor's mine..." Her eyes glistened. she smiled looking up at me, moving her lips in a kissing motion. I creased my eyes, shaking my head, "you look like a fish." I curled the right side of my lip.

"We are a pack. So..." She made smooching noises, lifting on her toes.


I leaned down, cupping her cheek, her lips still puckering as we kissed. she cupped my cheek, holding me tight.

"No tongue, William..." She whispered, laughed, lowering her feet flat on the ground, "Stephanie"

Himagami leaned over me, held her arms and hands out, "you can use your tongue."

Stephanie smiled, leaned over, whispered, "I will..."

They kissed, slowly pulled away and spoke, "hello Stephanie... one of my pack..." She nodded.

"Hello, himagami, one of my pack..."

Himagami sighed, shrugging her shoulders, "I guess I'll go to the nursery now..." She turned and waved, "a lot a new pack members..." She walked away, I wanted to laugh so much, watching her looking very much like a small child walking across the room, almost skipping. She sighed, looked over her shoulder at us, chuckled left the room, turning down the hallway to go to the nursery. We sat for a moment, listening to Elsa as she hummed. she now appeared to me as an angel. The image of her with eyes fierce, covered in blood had all but faded. She sat straight, her face barely hidden by soft glowing white hair, her smile delicate, her eyes never leaving the baby in her arms.

Vampires, Wolves and Humans. Oh my, The Tale of Tessa.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora