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"Shush, shush, shush" cooed Taehyung as he rocked the child in his arms. "It's okay, baby, Appa is almost home".

"Appa gone?" whimpered the child as he wiped his runny nose with his sleeve.

"He'll be back baby, don't worry," Tae kissed the crown of his nephew's head. "Shit!" he silently cursed. Jungguk's fever seemed to be getting worse and neither he nor Jimin had enough money to take him to the emergency room. Sure, there was the credit card Seokjin had left in case of any emergency but the last time they tried using it they had a grumpy manager threatening to call the police. Like they would steal their own brother's card and use up all the money – Seokjin would skin them alive.

With the child in his arms he made his way to the bathroom to get a washcloth to put on the boy's forehead. He did his best not to move Jungguk as he grabbed a clean cloth out of the linens closet and drenched it in water. He wrung the cloth and placed it on his nephew's forehead before heading back to the living room.

He felt useless! What type of uncle was he? He didn't know how to bring a fever down like Seokjin. He couldn't make a soup without turning the vegetables to mush. He couldn't stop the tears that fell from his eyes because he couldn't do this without his brothers guiding him.

"Hey, it's okay. Appa is almost home," he closed his eyes hoping to calm himself down as the boy softly cried. 'Hurry, Chim' he thought to himself.


Jimin ran as fast as his legs allowed him too in such horrendous weather. Everything had turned to shit in a matter of hours. Today's plan was to take his son to school, go to class, go to work, end his day by making dinner as his son talked about his day, and wait for Taehyung to drag himself through the door. Except today didn't go as planned. His phone had been left in his locker during his dance class when Jungguk's school called.

When he arrived home he found Tae on his hands and knees cleaning what looked to be Jungguk's lunch. His eyes immediately scanned the living room for his son and found him standing next to the couch crying his doe-like eyes out. His inky locks were still wet from the bath he was given but nothing broke Jimin's heart more than how Jungguk's face matched his hair – fiery red.

"How is he?" His bag landed on the hardwood floor with a loud thud and kicked off his shoes, tripping over them as he rushed to the boy. He grabbed the cold medication from the plastic bag still in his hand and quickly opened it. He poured the correct amount of the purple liquid in to the dosage cup and brought it to his son's thin lips. A smile graced his angelic face as a soft 'Appa' left his son's lips. "Hi, honey. How are you feeling?"

"Hurst here and here," Jungguk points to his head and stomach.

"Drink this. It'll make you feel better," he urged his son to drink the medication only to have him look away. "It'll make you feel better Gukkie." Jimin smiled as the boy hesitantly drank the medicine. "That's my big boy," he praised.

"Nasty," Jungguk sticks his tongue out in disgust.

"But it'll make you feel better, I promise."

"Yeah, and so will kicking the shit of the person who sent their sick kid to preschool. I swear, some people don't even think of others. Like what if they had the flu and Jungguk caught it? Then we caught it and Hyung comes home and finds us all dead?" ranted Taehyung as he entered the living room once more.

Jimin hadn't noticed his brother leave, too preoccupied on his son. "Don't be so dramatic, Tae."

"What?" Taehyung crossed his arms over his chest and slightly crooked a brow. "Jimin, this child scared the shit out of me! I didn't know what was wrong and I was already thinking the worst thing possible! If this is what you and hyung go through every day, sorry I love children, but I am nowhere near being a father."

"You got his fever down," by the time Tae was done with his diva meltdown, Jimin had picked up Jungguk in his arms and sat down on the couch. He knew where his brother was coming from. He felt the same when his baby had gotten his first fever and his mother talked him through a meltdown as they waited in the room with a five month old in nothing but a diaper squirming in his arms. "That's something you should be proud of. Mom knocked me on the head when I wouldn't stop crying when he got sick for the first time."

"Yeah, well, you're a crybaby." Taehyung plopped himself next to his brother and caressed his nephew's red cheek. Jungguk's eye's fluttering slightly as the medication began to take effect. "He looks so much like your dad, but got his father's skin tone," he whispered quietly.

"Mom was fair-skinned," argued Jimin, but he couldn't help but agree with his brother. Jungguk looked nothing like him and he wasn't sure if it was a good or bad thing. "Well, goodnight. I'm putting him to bed and take a quick shower before knocking out myself". He stood from his seat carefully not to jolt his son. "What time does your shift end today?"

"Around two, but I'll get something to eat on the way home. Don't worry about me, worry about this cute little bunny here". Taehyung kissed the palm of his nephew's hand as he stood up from his seat. "I'll be back home before you wake up, 'kay?"

"Yeah, be careful". Jimin smiled at the younger and made his way to his room. He pulled the duvet off his bed and placed the sleeping child in the bed – his Iron Man plushy next to him. Jimin removed his wet sweatshirt and walked to the dresser to pull out his sleepwear before walking back out his bedroom and into the bathroom.   


"I didn't know he had a son?" said one of the two men that stood across the apartment building Jimin and Taehyung lived in. His dark hair matted against his forehead as he stared at the shorter man next to him.

"I didn't either. Namjoon never told me he had a son," mumbled the blond haired man.

"Maybe, it's his brother's son? Didn't you say he had a twin brother or something? Maybe it's his brother's kid," shrugged to taller.

"I doubt it. Taehyung loves kids but he doesn't seem like the father type to me. And they aren't twin, biologically. Everyone just called them twin because they were both still little when Seokjin's and Taehyung's dad married Jimin's mom. They're only a few months apart".

"Welp, maybe he's babysitting, hyung. Come on, we came all the way back to Seoul so you can find your long lost love instead of heading to our hometowns to be with our families. Don't be discouraged. I'm sure there is a perfectly good explanation why that kid is there."

"I hope you're right, Horse boy,"

"Can you stop, you grumpy old man. God, what did such a beauty as that ever see in you. On second thought, don't answer that because I don't want to know". The taller made a face of disgust when he saw his hyung give a mischievous grin.

Rainy Days: A Yoonmin Love storyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora