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Seokjin paced around his living room waiting for Jimin to return home. He still couldn't wrap his mind around Yoongi's words. How could his father – who loved Jimin as his own flesh and blood – do such a thing? But Yoongi wouldn't lie about something like this. Yoongi was cold, a professional asshole some say, but he wasn't a liar.

"Hyung?" The blonde turned around and saw his youngest brother entering the living room, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Oh, Taehyungie," smiled the blonde as he walked closer to greet his brother with a hug. "Wow, you've gotten taller since the last time I saw you," chuckled Seokjin nervously.

"It's been like a million years, hyung," yawned Tae. He noticed the worry in his brother's face. "Hyung, are you alright?"

Jin rubbed the back of his neck, "Is Gukkie asleep?"

"Dead to the world. What is it, hyung?"

He pulled his brother to the couch by his wrist. It felt so foreign sitting in his living room once more. "I don't know how to say this," he runs his hand through his locks nervously. "Um, I saw Yoongi today, he's in the hospital." When he didn't receive a reaction from Tae, he grew even more nervous. Taehyung was like their father in some way – a quiet Tae wasn't a happy Tae. "He apparently drank himself stupid and ended up there. He, ah, told me somethings that part of me believes but at the same time I don't want too." Jin looked away from his brother.

Taehyung clenched his fists in anger, his blunt finger nails digging into the palm of his hand at how tight they were. He didn't know how to respond. Even though he was the younger of the two, it was his job to protect his brother. He promised their mother he would protect Jimin from the evils of the world. So all he did was stand up from his seat and walked away. It wasn't Seokjin's fault that Yoongi left Jimin and didn't deserve to get yelled at for that either.

Jin was about to follow when he heard his phone begin to ring. With a sigh, he pulled his phone out of his back pocket to look at who was calling his at such hour. The number wasn't registered, he usually doesn't answer unknown number since it could be a crazy fan but non the less, he answered.

"Yeoboseyo?" he answered.

"Seokjin?" It sounded muffled.


"Seokjin, it's Jung Taekwoon. Jimin is fine, we ah... we just got robbed".

"What?!" The eldest Kim quickly began to look for his wallet and car keys around the living room. "Where's Jimin?! What happened?!" He didn't notice tears began to fall down his face as his brother's manager started to explain what he knew. He wasn't aware he barged into Taehyung's room, picked up his nephew, or motioned his brother to follow him. His mind shut down when Taekwoon said they were robbed.

When Jin barged into his room, Tae assumed the older wasn't going to let their earlier conversation go. He didn't expect to see the tears running down his brother's face as he yelled into his phone.

"Jimin's store just got robbed! We have to go!" shouted his brother making Jungguk cry in the process.

As they ran down the emergency stair case, Taehyung noticed how his brother shook with worry, the deep intakes of breath, how he tightly he held a crying Jungguk in his arms. Reaching the Jin's pickup, Tea took the keys away and shoved his brother in the backseat so he could strap their nephew in his car seat. His mind running on autopilot as he sped out the parking garage. He ran every stop sign and red light, swerved in and out of traffic – he ignored every traffic law to reach his brother.


7:45 P.M. half an hour before the call.

Jimin sat on the counter facing the door as he, Taekwoon, and Mark – another employee – talked with the two other customers in the shop. They were two regulars that went to the same University as Jimin and Mark, and just like Mark they were American.

Rainy Days: A Yoonmin Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now