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Note: Bad Smut

He was nervous. The three rappers had been called to the CEO's office at the ass crack of dawn. He knows their punishment would have been lesser if they had stayed at their respectable homes instead of the Kim's apartment. How could he leave Jimin and Jungguk just like that? His son practically glued himself to Yoongi's leg as he walked out the room – borrowing some of Jimin's old close. But, alas, here they were, sitting in front of the man who handpicked them to create a super group. His usual easygoing self was nowhere in sight, their manager just glared at Yoongi in silence.

The man slowly turned his monitor over so they three rappers could see what was shown. 'BTS Rapper/producer, SUGA, spotted at a local café with unknown male and child'. The photo of the article was obviously Yoongi with his arms around Jimin – whose face was hidden in the crook of Yoongi's neck – and Jungguk in Jimin's arms.

"Oh, but that's not all. No sir-y," hummed the elder. He scrolled more down and a photo of Yoongi kissing the top of Jimin's head was shown – the left side of Jimin's face was displayed. "Listen, 'All members of the Hip Hop Idol group, BTS, and Korea's beloved actor, Kim Seokjin were spotted at a local café in Seoul Friday evening. Reports state that around 8P.M Friday night, officers responded to a destress call at Leo's Café.' Yada, yada, yada. Okay, found it. 'BTS has always been pro-LBGT+. Can the support be in regards to the 24-year-old rapper?'" The man closed his lap top and stared at them. "I am going to ask you all a question and I want all of you to be honest." Hoseok and Namjoon nodded. "Are you attracted to the same gender?"

"No" both Namjoon and Hoseok answered simultaneously.

Yoongi kept his eyes train on the man before him, hand gripping the arms rest. "Yes."

"Yes?" their manager crooked a brow. "And you didn't feel the need to inform us when you auditioned? Do you know the trouble you would have saved us if we knew? Damage control would be a lot easier if we had planned it in advance. Now, we have to rush and get someone to play along."


"No?" asked the CEO. "Yoongi, if we don't cover this up, your career is over. No one wants a gay idol. Who will-"

"Cut me if you want too. I am not going to deny my son!" he cut off his manager.

"Son?" the man gasped in response.

"Stop!" growled Bang PD, his hand slamming against the top of his desk. "Unlike other companies, I allow my artist to have normal lives as long as it doesn't interfere with our contracts, but this, Yoongi, is going way too far. First, your hospitalization and now a family? If you would had told me you had a family, I would have provided a home your you. I would have allowed you time off to visit them. Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"Are you seriously going to let this go? He has been outed! Sale will go down, BTS will be slowly forgotten!" shouted the manager.

"Junseo!" growled Bang PD. "You are dismissed. I will not allow you to belittle my artist in such a way. I will speak with you later. Hoseok, Namjoon you're free to go. Your schedules have been cleared for the rest of the day. Damage control will be based off the incident at the café not about Yoongi's personal life."

The three men left the office. Namjoon hesitated a bit but he wasn't sure if it was because he was the leader of the group or his friendship with the blonde. Yoongi, once more broke out in a cold sweat. It was coming. His dream was finally over and no one was to blame but him.

"Yoongi, I love you like if you were my own son. Hell, you act like if you're my son. Why didn't you tell me you had a son?"

"I just found out," whispered Yoongi. "The night the photos were taken actually." The rapper told him everything.

Rainy Days: A Yoonmin Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now