9•Scavenger Hunt|Algee

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'I see you've finally woke up. As you can see me nor the kids are at home. I set up a little scavenger hunt for you to find us. Your first hint is at the first exact place we met. See you soon, daddy ;)' ~Y/N


Algee was walking down the isle of the grocery store that had junk food on the shelves. While placing items in his basket he noticed a lady not being able to reach something from the shelf above. She was jumping up and down trying her hardest. Sadly, Algee stared at her ass as it jiggled from the movement for a moment before going to help.

"Lemme get that for you." Algee suggested before grabbing the variety bag of chocolate and handing it to the girl. "Thanks, but that wasn't what I was reaching for." She giggled. Algee chuckled in embarrassment before putting the bag back.

"What were you trying to get then, miss?" Algee questioned. "The big bag of twizzlers." Algee looked up and grabbed the bag and handed it to her. "Thanks. I'm Y/N." "Algee."

~Flashback over~

"Off to the grocery store." Algee mumbled to himself as he slipped on his sweatpants and slides. He jogged down the stairs and grabbed his keys of the holder, heading out the door to his begin his adventure.


Algee headed down the isle of junk food and searched the twizzlers. He found them with a note attached. He grabbed it and started reading it.

'I still remember when you were checking me out while I was struggling before you helped me. Just sad. Anyways, next hint is located somewhere in the vicinity of whoever's neighborhood we were in when our first kiss took place' ~Y/N


"Algee, give it back!" Y/N yelled chasing after Algee as they ran around his backyard. Algee had Y/N's stuffed bear, Mr.Snuggles, in his arms. Y/N was very attached to her bear, she had left him over at Algee's house from the night before.

Algee turned around and started running backwards taunting Y/N. "Maybe if you ran faster you'd have him." Y/N squinted her eyes and picked up her pace, slowly gaining up on Algee. Algee widened his eyes and turned back around, trying to find a way to confuse her.

Algee smirked and decided to hit Y/N with a fake out, resulting in Y/N falling over. Y/N cried out agony catching Algee's attention. "Baby, you good?" Algee asked in concern looking over Y/N making sure she didn't hurt herself. Y/N smirked and pulled Algee down to the ground, causing him to drop Mr.Snuggles. She grabbed him and stood up.

"Ha." Y/N cheered. Algee stood up and laughed. "Oh, so you gon' trick a brother?" Algee question waving over himself. "Yup." Y/N answered popping the p. "Well guess what." "Wha-" Algee interrupted and smashed his lips against Y/N's. Y/N kissed back and grabbed his face, dropping her bear. Algee pulled away and bit his lip. "Ha."

~Flashback over~

Algee exited the grocery store and headed over to his mother's house.


"Hey momma." Algee greeted kissing his mother on the cheek. "Hey baby. I'm telling you now, it's not where you'd expect." His mother greeted while also giving him a hint. Algee nodded his head and walked towards the backyard.

The first place Algee searched was around the tire swing. He saw nothing and headed over to the bushes over in the corner. "Nope, nothing." Algee mumbled. Then a detail popped up in his head, when Y/N started chasing him they were in his room. He jogged back in the house and headed upstairs.

He pushed the door to his old room opened and smiled once he saw the purple note sitting in the middle of his bed. He walked over to it and picked it up.

'Hey again :). This idea was more tiring than I thought. I guess this hunt ends when you find us residing where you and I told each other 'I love you'.' ~Y/N


The night sky had stars scattered all over. Algee and Y/N were laying down on a blanket outside at the park. The two had just finished playing laser tag and decided to end the outing romantically.

"I had a wonderfu time, Algee." Y/N spoke rolling over on her side to look at Algee. Algee did the same. "I did too. You're cute in a laser vest." Algee started "Especially when it's lit up from me shooting you 15 times in a row." Y/N laughed at him and playfully mushed his face.

"Oh shut up, that's why you look like a fetus Will Smith." Y/N attempted to insult. Algee laughed at her and sat up, pulling her into his lap. He sighed and stared into Y/N's eyes. "What?" She questioned. "I love you, Y/N." Algee blurted out. Y/N blushed and looked down. "Too soon?" Algee worried grabbing the back of his neck. Y/N looked back up at him and smiled while shaking her head. "Of course not. I love you too, Algee."

~Flashback over~

Algee smiled as he drove to the park. He really loved reminiscing on some of his and Y/N's memories m.

Algee walked around the park looking for Y/N and their kids. He looked over by the gazebo and saw Y/N standing alone, waving at him. Algee smiled and jogged up to her. He picked her up and spinned her around before putting back down.

"Where are the kids?" Algee questioned. "With my mother. They said they wanted to make you something special like I did." Y/N answered. He nodded his head and smiled at Y/N.

"I really appreciate this, Y/N. Thank you." Algee expressed wrapping his arms around Y/N's waist. Y/N rubbed her hand softly down his cheek and gave him a quick peck. "I'm glad you did, baby. Now, let's go home. I have another gift." Y/N spoke pulling Algee to the car. "What about the kids?" "We can pick them up tomorrow, Daddy." Y/N replied with a sly smirk and shooting Algee a wink.


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